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Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 5/26/17

My cat is adorbs.

But lets get to this week’s stuff.

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Check This Stuff Out First

1. Updated Speaking Gigs – Bath, UK and Boston, MA

I’ll be in London in two weeks for the Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint with Dean Somerset. Unfortunately it’s a “closed” event for Third Space employees only.

However, I will be making a cameo appearance in Bath on Friday, June 9th at Lift the Bar to put on a quickie 4-hour lecture/hands-on workshop titled The Shoulder: From Assessment to Badass. If you happen to be located in that neck of the woods you can go HERE for more information.


My wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis, and I are excited to announce we’re putting on our Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop in our home turf in Boston.

It will be a small, intimate affair, so spots are limited. No joke.1 Early bird price is now in effect ($199), and CEUs will be made available via the NSCA.

To purchase you can go HERE.

***As a reminder, Lisa and I will also be in Toronto, ON in three weeks for Strong Body-Strong  Mind, and early bird rate is still going on for Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando in October. You can go HERE for more details on both.

2. Last Chance for Some Free Meat

The peeps over at ButcherBox are hooking my readers up.

I wrote about my experience with them earlier this week, but to summarize: they sent me some meat, I like meat, so now they want to send you some (free) meat too.

All this week readers of can get $10 off their initial order AND receive two additional, 10 oz. Ribeye steaks at no extra cost.

What’s not to love about that?

It’s a great service –  I mean, come on, meat, delivered to your door – and it’s soooooo good. The taste is readily apparent. Treat yourself. Go HERE and thank me later.

Stuff to Read

A Sound Mind in a Sound Body – Dr. Lisa Lewis

For some reason, especially in the fitness industry, people have this notion you have to persevere and “power through” when you’re feeling depressed or down.

If you hurt your knee or back when you train you attend to that right away

Your mental health is no different and is serious business. In her latest article for Girls Gone Strong, Dr. Lewis sheds some light on a very powerful topic.

3 Drills That Will Fix Your Power Clean – Michael Anderson

I don’t do a lot of OLY lifting, but when I do, I listen to Mike. He’s an excellent coach and this was an excellent article.

Understanding Pronation and Supination (and How it Relates to Overcoming Plantar Fasciitis – Rick Merriam

I thought this was a very interesting read and a nice reprieve from the “oh, your feet are fucked, might as well wear orthotics” diatribe.

Social Media Shenanigans



Here’s an example of how paying meticulous attention to details and using the right coaching cues can make the most seemingly simple looking exercise more effective. Last night I was guiding @therealalexandrashow through one of @bretcontreras1 booty circuits. We got to the Quadruped Band Glute Raise and I noticed Alexandra was getting a bit more movement though her lower back than I’d like (top video). This defeats the purpose of the exercise (which is to bootify the glutes. Kinda hard to do when someone sacrifices hip extension for excessive lumbar extension). I told Alexandra to engage her abs more and to ONLY get movement from the hip (bottom video). She immediately felt a difference and noticed waaaay more booty. Pay attention coaches. Even the most subtle tweaks can make a huge difference in how an exercise feels and where someone feels it.

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