CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 3/11/16

Pardon the visual, but I’m recovering from the epic nerd-boner I got this morning after watching the final trailer for Captain America: Civil War.

How nuts/amazing/OMGSHUTUPANDTAKEMYMONEY was that?

May 6th can’t come soon enough. Much to my wife’s chagrin, you know I’m going to be one of those guys who wants to show up at the IMAX theater three hours early so I can nerd out with other nerds and show off my sweet new Captain A t-shirt (which, not coincidentally, makes me pecs look ultra pecy).

A few things before we get to this week’s list:

1) In case you missed it earlier this week, I announced a new apparel line. Relax, I’m not going all Kanye West and charging $125 for a plain t-shirt.

Nothing fancy. Just some t-shirts, hoodies, and sweatpants (tanks coming soon1) that have my logo on them; including a special edition “Because Heavy Things Won’t Lift Themselves” version.

Not that I’m biased or anything, but I think they’re pretty baller.

You can go HERE to check things out for yourself.

2) There’s only a few days left to take advantage of the EARLY BIRD special for mine an Dean Somerset’s Complete Hip & Shoulder Workshop at Vigor Ground Fitness and Performance in Seattle, WA this April. Go HERE for more details.

3) Also, I’ll be at Warhorse Barbell in Philadelphia, PA on Saturday, April 24th for a 1-day workshop titled The Shoulder: From Assessment to Badass. For more details go HERE.

The Subtle But Essential Role of the Triceps Brachii in the Deadlift – Dr. Michael Hartle

Subconsciously I’ve been using this cue myself for years…but never really realized 1) that I was doing it and 2) why it’s so essential for deadlift performance.

After reading this I had a few my clients use this cue last night and it worked like magic. Very cool.

A Strong Mind Is a Strong Body – Dr. Lisa Lewis on the Nia Shanks Podcast

That’s my girl!

My wife made a cameo appearance on the Nia Shanks Podcast to discuss the importance of mindset and strength training…especially with regards to women.

The key point: we need to stop “should’ing all over ourselves.”

If this is a topic you’re interested in, Lisa and Artemis Scantalides will be down in the Baltimore, MD area next month at Dauntless Fitness and Health putting on their I Am Not Afraid to Lift: Power of Mindset Edition workshop.

For more details go HERE.

How to Find Your Brand’s Disruptive Opportunity – Ronell Smith

What do fishing lures, Facebook, and encouraging “disruptive” behavior have to do with building your brand? This was an excellent and informative read.