
Appearance on The Performance Hub Podcast

Copyright: forestrun / 123RF Stock Photo

Episode 4: You’re Not Broken, Find Your Trainable Menu

I had the pleasure of being invited onto the brand spankin new Performance Hub Podcast hosted by Max Gedge and Coach Karl.

These two guys had the lovely timing of opening up a gym in Melbourne, Australia right as COVID-19 was turning all our lives into a raging dumpster fire.

But I have to say: They’ve kept a positive attitude and have done their best to turn lemons into lemonade. Case in point: They started this splendid podcast…

…and, as it happens, the release of this episode coincides with gyms opening back up in Melbourne!

In this episode we discuss a number of things. Everything from the soul-sucking sucktitude of gym ownership during COVID to the idea of the “trainable menu” to 90’s hip-hop to not my biceps.

Nope I’d never do that…;o)

You can give it a listen on iTunes HERE or on Spotify HERE.