Categoriescoaching personal training

Can I Send You This Free Paperback Book About Online Coaching?

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How’s life in lockdown going?

If you’re like me you want nothing more than to tell it to stfuuuuuuuuu.

My wife and I were practicing some aggressive quarantining the past several weeks here in Boston, but reached our breaking point.

About a week and a half ago she turns to me and says, and I’m paraphrasing here (but not really): “Fuck this shit, why don’t we drive down to my mom’s place in Florida? At least there we’ll have access to a yard, a swimming pool, and a grandma.”

So we packed our car and made the 21+ hour drive in two days; toddler in tow (he did amazingly well. Thank you The Croods).

We arrived at 4:15 PM yesterday and were in the pool and hot tub by 4:45.


The Real Reason For This Post (Not That My Travel Shenanigans Aren’t Thrilling to You)

Speaking of the lockdown…

…I’ve actually been spending much of it catching up on some reading. Personally, I’ve been re-reading a bunch of Kurt Vonnegut novels

I just finished both Mother Night and Slaugherhouse-Five (which I haven’t read since 2002).

However, I realize not everyone is a Vonnegut fan and he certainly hasn’t got anything of value to add to the world of online coaching. So it goes.

If you’re looking for a great read while we’re all practicing social distancing, I want to send you a free paperback book.

It’s pretty obvious that online training is going to grow huge as trainers and gyms adjust to our new reality. But there’s always a lot of uncertainty when we’re changing how we approach our career as fit pros.

You can remove that uncertainty today—by ordering this simple step-by-step guide from my friend Jonathan Goodman, founder of the Online Trainer Academy and master of the digital fitness market.

Not only that, but this guide—with over 25,000 copies already in print that sells for $19.99 on Amazon—can be yours FREE today. 

–> Click here to order your free copy of The Wealthy Fit Pro’s Guide to Online Training (It’s FREE! Just cover shipping + handling.)

(and when you order, you’ll get the audiobook and Ebook free as well!)

If you…

  • are just starting out online
  • are struggling to grow your online coaching business
  • have a PASSION for fitness or nutrition, but don’t know how this online thing works
  • want to build an unbreakable fitness/nutrition business that will THRIVE even in turbulent times 

Then the Wealthy Fit Pro’s Guide to Online Training can help you.

Here’s a snippet of what you’ll learn:

-How to choose your online fitness business model (pg. 13)
-How to identify and market to your ideal client (pg. 51)
-Savvy PRICING and PACKAGING strategies, so you get paid what you’re worth (pg. 67).
-How building a set of pecs that can cut diamonds will yield more client retention (pg. I’m just kidding).
-Smart client onboarding and remote assessment techniques (pg. 85)
-The tech you need to DELIVER WORLD CLASS RESULTS (p.103)

–> Click here to order your free copy of The Wealthy Fit Pro’s Guide to Online Training TODAY (It’s FREE! Just cover shipping.)

There’s no one in the industry I trust more than Jonathan on the topic of online coaching. He and his team at the Online Trainer Academy have helped countless fitness professionals scale their businesses and/or build new ones from scratch.

I’ve benefitted myself from their expertise and insights, and I think you can too.

See for yourself—at no risk to you.

–> Click here to order your free copy of The Wealthy Fit Pro’s Guide to Online Training.