
Wicked Smaht: 3 Questions with Tony Gentilcore

Every so often I get random emails from other fitness professionals asking me if I’d be interested in doing an interview for their website.  Admittedly, it’s always humbling for me to know that people actually want to listen (or, in this case, read) what I have to say.   It’s an honor, really.

I mean, I don’t necessarily consider myself that big of a deal – I piss excellence just like everyone else out there – but it’s a nice feeling, nonetheless, to know that there are some out there who don’t think I suck.  I’m sure they’re out there, no doubt, but at the end of the day I like to think I’m doing something right.. 

That said, today, I want to share an interview I did for fellow-trainer, Mike Arone, over on his site  Mike’s originally from Boston (hence, the blog title) and currently resides in NYC.  In much the same way, Mike takes more of an “infotainment” approach with his blog that I feel many of you who read my stuff consistently will definitely appreciate.

He’s not scared to call B.S when he sees it, tells people to lift heavy things, thinks Tracy Anderson is kinda douchy, and, what’s more, he’s representing Red Sox nation in the Big Apple.  In a word – he’s legit.

Check out the interview HERE, and let me know what you think.