Meet Audrey. Audrey is a wife and loving mother, and due to client/trainer confidentiality, I cannot reveal her age (Read: I’d have better odds winning a fight against a rabid black bear than I would surviving the wrath of revealing her age). Like many women, Audrey wants to get into shape. Unlike most women, Audrey is doing so by busting her butt in the gym. She isn’t spending 45 minutes on the treadmill everyday, she isn’t using pink dumbbells for 20 reps, and she isn’t scared to sweat.

Audrey Sled Push

A Few Random Notes:

1. That’s six plates on the sled. Sure, the turf makes it a bit easier, but it’s impressive nonetheless. Well, it’s more impressive than the fact that you read the entire issue of OK Magazine while on the elliptical machine. Newsflash: Lindsay Lohan likes her alcohol. Turn the page.

2. Once the set was complete, Audrey looked at the camera and yelled “PROTECT THIS HOUSE!” Alright, she didn’t do that. But it would have been cool if she did.

The lesson here? You need to TRAIN ladies, not “workout” to get the results you want.