If you’re like me, whenever someone mentions “3D” you automatically think of how awesome it would be if IMAX ever decided to release a full length feature devoted entirely to Kim Kardashian’s badonkadonk.

For those who aren’t familiar with the term, a badonkadonk is a noun used to describe buttocks of exceptional quality and bounce. Used in a sentence it would go something like this: Is that Kim Kardashian’s badonkadonk or a solar eclipse? Hahahaha. See what I just did there? I referred to her “booty” as something large enough to be mistaken for a solar eclipse. Get it? The sun is kinda big and well, so is her………shut up! It was funny dammit. Barack Obama has nuthin on me when it comes to word-play.

Now for those who don’t have the maturity level of a 14 year old, the notion of “3D Stretching” has grown in popularity in recent years. When most people think of “stretching” they generally think of static stretching, where one hoists their leg up onto a table and stretches his or her hamstrings for example. There are a few issues I have with this approach:

1. It’s archaic. That’s not to say there isn’t a time and place for static stretching, because there certainly is. However, exercise is dynamic (we move), so it only makes sense that we should warm-up by moving as well.

2. Using the above example, static stretching only stretches the hamstrings in one plane (saggital). As trainers and coaches, we don’t tell people to train in one plane, so why do we miss the boat and stretch people in only one plane?

This is where 3D stretching comes into the picture.

Saggital Plane

First and foremost let me just say that it’s incorrect to round your upper back when stretching the hamstrings. In doing so, you’re just stretching the lumbar spine and NOT the hamstrings. Big difference. That being said, while maintaining a neutral spine, simply lean forward with your chest till you hit your “sticking point.” Hold for a split second and return back to the starting position.

Frontal Plane

To stretch the hamstrings in the frontal plane, simply move your hips side-to-side (left to right).

Transverse Plane

And now for the transverse plane (rotation), you need to “open up” your hips. The key here is to rotate THROUGH THE HIPS and not the lumbar spine. Also be sure that your toes are pointing straight ahead on the plant leg (ie: the leg that’s in contact with e floor).

Include these 3D stretches as part of your dynamic warm-up, and I guarantee your hamstrings will feel ten times better.