You suck Tony

I hate you Tony

Tony, you’re an a-hole

Surprisingly, these are not quotes from a recent date I went on. Note to Emily: I had no idea I forgot my wallet. Really, my bad. Thanks for dinner! It was delish. Call me.

Rather, these are quotes from this past Saturday from three different female clients who obviously adore me to pieces and think I’m the best trainer ever.

When all is said and done, my day isn’t complete till someone tells me how much they hate me or threatens me with a broken beer bottle after they’re done with their Airdyne intervals (I love you too Mom). It just comes with the territory I suppose. That being said, it still doesn’t prevent me from making them do this:

I decided that the guys can’t have all the fun, and had some of the girls of CP do their own version of a sled medley over the weekend. Good job girls! Next week we’ll add a plate, and whoever gets the fastest time will get an 8×8 picture of me to put on their desk at work to inspire them and/or throw darts at. God, I love my job/fear for my life.