You know, everyone thinks that Eric Cressey is like sooooo smart and serious all the time, and that he’s this world renowned strength coach that people look up to and all that jazz. That is, of course, until I’m filming a video for an online client (and this blog) and he comes flying out of no where like a bat out of hell and does something like this:

Jesus, Eric. I can’t take you anywhere!

For those curious, though, the above exercise is one that I got directly from Jim Smith and his Accelerated Muscular Development Manual. It’s a great progression for the supine bridge that includes a “reach” component which adds a little t-spine mobility into the mix.

Gonna have to keep this short today – I’m under a deadline. I was contacted by t-nation a few weeks ago asking me if I’d be interested in writing a monthly piece for them, and like an idiot, I wait until the last minute to do it. In any case, it should be a pretty sweet article when it’s done. In addition, the new interns start up at the facility today, and I have to head in early to help take them through their orientation. Guess who’s going to be cleaning my office??????