My apologies to everyone.  This may come as a surprise, but I’m not what you would call the most “technologically savvy” person in the world.  I have no idea what the difference is between RAM and ROM, and I still type with two fingers for crying out loud! That being the case, I’ve been having issues trying to learn the software for this new site, and I’m surprised that Jason (the web developer) hasn’t swallowed a vat of anthrax yet from me constantly pestering him with questions.

You’re a champ Jason!

Neverheless, I hope to get all the kinks fixed soon.  The post from yesterday, welcoming everyone to the new site, seems to be blank when people click on the link, and I have no idea why.  For some it worked, for others it didn’t.  So, for the time being, or at least until I step up my game, here’s a video from the other day of Atlanta Braves prospect, Chad Rodgers, dominating barbell reverse lunges with 225 lbs!  BEAST MODE!

UPDATE:  it worked!!!!!!  I just posted my first video without crashing the site.  Quick, someone give me a gold star!!!!

UPDATE # 2:  while I’m at it, with all the hooplah surrounding the new site, I just wanted to remind people that today (1/27), up until midnight, will be the last day you can download your FREE video and PDF from Mike Westerdal and Elliot Hulse promoting their new Lean Hybrid Muscle Reloaded manual that’s going to be released Feb. 8th.

>>>>—– CLICK HERE —–<<<<

UPDATE # 3:  snow sucks.