Everything You Know About Fitness Is a Lie – Daniel Duane

YES!!!  Kudos goes out to Men’s Journal for running thie piece.  It’s always a good thing when the mainstream media isn’t afraid to give people a little dose of “tough love.” Here, the author is basically told he’s weaker than a baby’s fart, and that all the time he’s spent doing his “sport specific” training on a BOSU ball has been, well, worthless.  In a nutshell, he has his “come to Jesus moment,” calls out the fitness industry, and it’s glorious.

Cliff Notes Guide to Hamstring Strains – Here’s an older post I wrote last year that I felt needed some extra love.   

The Secret of Loaded Carries – Dan John

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Dan John, and this article is yet another gem by the man himself.  So, the question remains:  will I or won’t I act like a screaming 14 year old girl at a Justin Beiber concert when I go see him speak this weekend at Mike Boyle’s annual MBSC Winter Seminar??  HINT: