I know, I know – I’m lame for posting while on vacation.  But, if it’s any consolation the picture above gives you a little taste of what I’ve been up to. 

I hear it’s snowing up in Boston today.  Muhahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha.**

Anyways, I had another article go up on t-nation earlier this week, so for those who haven’t checked it out yet, enjoy!

You lift heavy things. You believe there’s no illness that heavy squats can’t cure. Heck, you’re so hardcore you consider creatine a garnish.

But let your health slip and it’s bye-bye big muscles and new PRs. To prevent the slip, you may need a few physical assessments. 

When it comes to assessments, there are a few schools of thought. On one end of the spectrum you’ve got trainers who spend two days assessing someone, taking meticulous notes on everything from how much someone’s left big toe pronates to rectal temperature.

At the other end, you’ve trainers who don’t know their ass from their acetabulum, and so long as their client can stand on two legs they’re good to go, oftentimes leading to disastrous results.

As always, the best approach lies somewhere in the middle.


** Hahahahaha- muhahhahahahahahahahaa.  LOL.  ROTFLMAO.