1.  Well, if you’re reading this right now, you survived the end of the world on Saturday.  High five!  I have to say, even if the world DID end on Saturday, I was going out with a bang.  Eric Cressey’s “surprise” b-day party (I say “surprise” because I almost let the cat out of the bag the day before like an asshat) was Saturday afternoon, complete with great people and of course, copious amounts of dead animal flesh:  including but not limited to, steak tips, chicken breast, and PIG!

Nevertheless, if the world ended right then and there, I would have been happy.

2.  For the past month and a half, two members of the CP staff, Chris Howard and Pete Dupuis, have been grinding their way through Chad Waterbury’s  PLP: 60 Day Challenge.   For those not quite familiar, in a nutshell, you take three movements – the push-up, lunge, and pull-up (PLP) and add ONE rep every day for 60 days.

Assuming you can already perform ten repetitions, you start with ten and then add one rep each day until the challenge ends 60 days later.  So, for those who are mathematically challenged, it will look something like this:

Day #1:  ten reps each (ten push-ups, ten lunges – per leg, and ten pull-ups)

Day #2:  eleven reps each

Day #3: twelve reps each

All the way to day 60, where you’ll end up performing 69 (<===== LOL.  Yep, I’m immature) reps each.

The idea is simple:  improve your work capacity and get jacked, lean, [insert any word from the brosef dictionary of training here]…all while getting girls to want to hang out with you to boot.  You get the idea.  If not, read the freakin article!

Anyways, Chris has one week left, and I think Pete is somewhere between “why the hell did I decide to do this” and 52.   Now, to clarify, all of this is in ADDITION to our regular training sessions – so it’s not like they’re ONLY doing this challenge.  What’s more, I’ve seen firsthand the results they’ve gotten, and I’ve officially thrown myself into the fire as of last week – albeit, I’m only on day four (14 reps each).

I’ve tweaked my plan slightly, however.  I’m still including the pull-ups and push-ups, but have opted instead to do goblet squats instead of lunges.  My knees will thank me in the long run.

Moreover, unlike Chris (who has been doing PLP as a separate workout everyday), I’m just going to intermittently get all my reps in as the day progresses.  A few reps here, a few reps there, shirt optional.

Once I get up to the 40ish range, on my “off” days, I’ll set everything up as a circuit and perform my reps as quickly as I can.  According to Chris, who again, is in the 60s right now, he can do it in about 20 minutes.  So, this will serve as a great conditioning component as well.

Needless to say, it’s going to make for an interesting two months.  Who’s in????

3.  And lastly, my girlfriend and I decided to go see the movie Bridesmaids yesterday.  Now, under normal circumstances, any movie with the word “Bride” in its title would normally make me sprint in the other direction.  But, knowing that the movie was produced by Judd Apatow (Knocked Up, 40 Year Old Virgin), and not to mention has been getting rave reviews, I decided to risk the public scrutiny (hahahahahahaha – Tony’s walking around with a ball and chain around his mancard) and go see it.

All I have to say is that it was hands down THE funniest movie I have seen all year.  While the media will sit here and say that it’s “uncomfortable” to watch women cuss like sailors, fart on camera, talk crudly about sex, and act like dudes – to me, funny is funny.  I honestly haven’t laughed that hard during a movie in a loooooooong time.

Guys, trust me.  Go see it.