The Power of You – Roger Lawson

For those who didn’t know, Roger interned with us at Cressey Performance a little over two-years ago now, essentially ignoring his degree in literature to pursue a career in strength and condtioning.

Having little to no experience, I’d be lying if I said we weren’t just a teeny tiny bit hesitant to bring him on at the time.  He was a persistant bastard, though, and eventually we decided to give him a shot; afterall, he drove all the way from Detroit to “meet” the staff at Mike Boyle’s Winter Seminar in 2008.  What’s more, it was clear he had an unsatiable desire to learn.

And the rest, as they say, is history.  He rocked it.  Even to this day, Roger is still one of our more popular interns we’ve ever had.

This post shows why.  Great guy.

What We All Can Learn From a Barbershop – Mike Reinold

For anyone who currently owns a fitness facilty, or even thinking about owning one – you NEED to read this.  Fantastic post by Mike on what separates good facilties from those that just want your money.

Do We Focus Too Much on the Sagittal Plane? – Craig Liebenson, DC

And, for those who are looking for something with a bit more of a nerd-factor, I came across this post by Craig discussing why focusing solely on cosmetics (looking good on the beach) may be hurting you more than helping you.  Here, he shares some insight from several top dogs in the industry.  How can you not listen?

SPOILER ALERT: I couldn’t help but show this here.  I normally hate cats with a passion, but the following video may just be the cutest thing I’ve seen since that little kid from Jerry Maguire.  Not even kidding.  Now, if you excuse me, I have to skip under a rainbow.