As someone who has an avid disdain for Planet Fitness and everything they represent (from their idiotic lunk alarm, the “judgement free” policy they claim to follow, and of course, free pizza day….WTF!!!!), the following piece – which was featured on The Daily Show earlier last week – really hits the nail on the head with regards to showcasing just how much that place bites the big one. 

Ironically, Planet Fitness is about as judgemental as judgemental gets – rolling their eyes at anyone who has the audacity to get their heart rate above that of a corpse, or worse, lifting something heavier than 50 lbs.  How dare you?  What’s next – actually improving your health?

And really, when you think about it, Planet Fitness shouldn’t even call themselves Planet FITNESS in the first place –  since no one is allowed to exert themselves, let alone break a sweat.  Rather, to me at least, it’s more of a community center where people can get together, give each other high fives for walking a mile in less than 20 minutes, play some BINGO, and maybe knit a sweater or two.

Whatever.  Who am I to judge?  Wait, I just did!  LOL.  See what I just did there?  I flipped it on them!  I love America.

Nevertheless, enjoy the video – it’s priceless.

CLICK ME (that tickles)

Note:  sorry, for some reason the video wouldn’t embed so you’ll have to click on the link which will take you to The Daily Show’s site.