Okay, I have some pretty cool news to report before I kick things off.  Starting next week – November 14th to be exact – we’re going to be re-launching Muscle Imbalances Revealed – Upper Body.  I know what you’re thinking:  What could possibly be different this time around?

A few things, actually:

  • New content!  Nothing major, but we’re going to be adding a few goodies here and there to up the badass factor of the product.
  • You’ll now be able to attain continuing education credits for purchasing the product.  How G6 is that?  I know as a CSCS, I’m due to re-up my certification through the NSCA within the next few months, so anyone looking for CEU’s for whatever certification they have, MIRU can help in that regard.
  • Lastly, and I think this is the coolest part, you’ll now be able to purchase MIRU in DVD format (picture to the left).  In a nutshell, as Dean (Somerset) noted, not only will you be able to listen to my voice in full surround sound, but you’ll also be able to watch me in high def.  Maybe even 3D!  No diggidy, no doubt!

To help raise a little excitement for the re-launch (again, it starts NEXT week, 11/14), and to show my appreciated for all the support with the product with the original launch,  I’d like to give away a free DVD copy.  So, for those interested, leave a comment below – with your email address – and at the end of the week, I’ll do a random drawing.  Yeah, I’m pretty awesome.

And now, some stuff to read:

My Battle With Disordered Eating – Nia Shanks

It takes a lot of balls – or in this case, fallopian tubes (?) – to delve into past personal battles, and I give Nia all the credit in the world for throwing something so intimate out there to share with the rest of the world.  Many are quick to point the finger at “regular” people, but as Nia poignantly describes, this condition can affect fitness professionals too.  Well done Nia.  You’re awesome.

4 Reasons Why You’re Not Progressing – Mike Robertson

Still benching the same weight as you were two years ago?  Still only able to see an ab (okay two….with proper lighting) after “dieting” for what seems like forever?  Knee still hurts?  Are you still wondering why your +1 Shield BoE can’t be traded for an Invisible Cloak spell in World of Warcraft?  I mean, WTF, right?

Okay, Mike can’t help you on that last point (nerd), but he does have a thing or two to say about why you’re not progressing in the gym, whatever your goal(s) may be.  As always, he hits the nail on the head.

Why I Hate the Deadlift – Dave Tate

Okay I know the title is blasphemous to say the least, but after you’re done hyperventilating into a brown paper bag, just sit down and read the article and let Dave explain.  It’s actually one of the more comprehensive articles I’ve ever read on deadlifting, containing TONS of useful cues and tips on how to improve one’s deadlift technique.

And that’s it for today, folks!

Remember, if you’d like to be entered in a drawing for a FREE dvd copy of Muscle Imbalances Revealed – Upper Body, leave a comment below with your email address.