Today I’d like to share a guest post I wrote for a really cool website… As the name suggests, it’s a site dedicated to helping people become “great” by providing some of the best health and fitness information on the internet.  I was contacted by one of their higher ups a few weeks ago asking if I’d be interested in writing a little sumthin sumthin, and this is what I came up with. 

It was an absolute honor and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

NOTE:  I’d love to show the peeps at that my army of Gentilcorians is a loyal bunch.  Once you visit the site and read the actual article, please, please, please share it with your friends by clicking the “Share” button or re-Tweeting it.  I’ll love you, like forever if you do.

If I had to make a list of things that really annoy me, it would be as follows:

1. “Twilight.”
2. People who don’t turn right on red.
3. People who don’t prioritize getting stronger.

As a strength coach this last one is what really gets me irritated, and for good reason. To be blunt: Strength is kind of a big deal. It’s what allows us to pick up that bag of groceries off the floor without blowing our back out; it’s what keeps us from getting injured on the playing field (whether a professional athlete or weekend warrior); and it’s undoubtedly the foundation behind many of the “qualities” we’re chasing in the weight room (be it speed, agility, power, or just looking good with our clothes off).

Unfortunately for some, despite knowing better, and despite their best efforts, they’re just not getting stronger. No matter what routine they follow or how many days per week they hit the iron, they’re just not getting any results — frustrated they’re still using the same weight now as they were weeks (if not months) prior.

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