Hey there peeps! I thought I’d take a little break from my vacation to check in and see what’s going on the world. I see the Celtics have tied the series with the Heat?  Sweet!

As it happens I was able to convince Lisa to let me snake away for a little bit to do a teeny tiny bit of work, and  I’m actually sitting here in a local Starbucks here in Vancouver chilling and sipping on a chai tea as I type this.

Simply put:  Vancouver is an amazing city!  Before I left the States, I had numerous people warn me how beautiful it was and that I was going to have to fight the urge to want to stay. They were right.

We’ve been walking around taking in the sights and sounds, and relishing every second. It’s such an active city.  And clean.  And don’t even get me started about the views.  Stunning! Where else can you trek in the mountains and then be by the water in the same day?

We’re having a blast and it’s going to be rough to leave and head back to Boston tomorrow. Nevertheless, I do have to keep this short, but wanted to give everyone a quick “sneak peek” at the Spinal Health and Core Training seminar I participated in this past weekend in Edmonton – along with Dr. Jeff Cubos, Rick Kaselj, and Dean Somerset, who hit a new deadlift PR while I was training with him on Friday!  I took 5% credit just for the proximity effect.

It was an amazing seminar and I can’t thank everyone enough for the opportunity to be a part of it.

Rick was kind enough to film a small clip during my talk, and as you’ll notice, I was wearing tan khaki pants – so you know shit got real!

And, just an FYI

The entire seminar will be released as a stand alone product later on this year, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

I’m out!  Be back in a few days.