1.  I woke up this morning and turned on SportsCenter to see that Cubs first basemen, Bryan LaHair, had been voted onto the 2012 MLB All-Star team.  After picking up the chunks of omelete that launched out of my mouth after seeing the graphic, I immediately got onto Twitter and Facebook to spread the word.

Said Dale Sveum, Bryan’s manager on the Cubs:


‘‘It’s one of those things as a manager that you get that’s a special time,’’ Sveum said. ‘‘You tell a kid who’s [29] he’s an All-Star after so many years in the minors. That’s what we live for in this game, those special moments.”

I couldn’t agree more.  Bryan’s been training with us at Cressey Performance for the better part of the past three off-seasons, and this couldn’t have happened to a more deserving human being.

Congrats Bryan!

2.  For those looking for some good books to read in the realm of fitness, I have two new suggestions.

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Heart Disease – Mark C. Houston, MD, MS

This was a book that was handed to me by one of the attendees a few weeks ago in Edmonton at the Spinal Health and Core Training seminar, and admittedly I haven’t started to read it yet. But after perusing it for a few minutes, and noticing how there’s an entire chapter dedicated to debunking all the myths that a lot of a-hole physicians STILL have towards cholesterol, I know it’s going to be a game changer.

Treadside Manner – Greg Justice

This was another book that was sent my way a few weeks ago – actually, the entire staff at CP received a copy – and I was able to sit down and start reading it yesterday while Lisa and I were heading back home from Nantucket (more on that in a bit).

It’s a quick read, but I can’t advocate this book highly enough to any personal trainers out there looking to take their business to the next level.

If nothing else, all the information on “interviewing” your potential clients – as well as just learning to listen to them –  is worth the price alone.

3.  I am the man from Nantucket.  Well, at least I was for a 27 hour window this past weekend.Lisa and I were invited to Nantucket Island to help celebrate the grand opening of The Nantucket Hotel and Resort.

I think I heard Lisa say, “I loooooooooove Nantucket” at least 37 times while we were there, and to piggy back off her sentiment……words can’t even describe how beautiful the ENTIRE island was, let alone the resort itself (pictured to the left).

The coolest part, though?  The guy who owns the resort and is responsible for building it, is also a client of mine, and the crazy bastard put dumbbells up to 120 lbs in the fitness center.

Hahahahahahahaahahaha. He did it because he wanted it to be a talking point amongst the guests.  Mission accomplished.  I think Lisa and I overhead at least four different people mention the dumbbells.  Uh, hello??!?!?!  We’re in paradise!  Screw the dumbbells!

Nevertheless, the entire trip was amazing, and if anyone reading ever goes to Nantucket, you now know where the most diesel gym is on the island!

4.  My back is starting to feel better as of late, and I owe a lot of gratitude towards both Milford, MA based physical therapist Eric Schoenberg and the one and only Dean Somerset.

NOTE: for those who are new or maybe haven’t been in the loop for a few weeks, you can catch up HERE and HERE.

Anyways, both have been holding my hand through this entire process, and while I still have a little ways to go, I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Dean even told me I can test the waters this week and work up to a heavy(ish) pull of around 80% of my 1RM to see if my back barks at me or not.  The way I see it, one of two things are going to happen:

  • I dominate it, shake hands, kiss babies, and invariably a ticker tape parade is held in my honor.
  • I literally shit my spine.

Fingers crossed!  I’ll try to post a video of it later on….so stay tuned!