Kevin Larrabee reached out to me yesterday and asked if I’d be willing to hop on Skype early this morning (8 freaking 30 thank you very much) and talk a little shop on The FitCast.

Luckily I’m an early riser so I had plenty of time to mentally prepare myself, try to be “on my game,” and more importantly, put some pants on.

It’s a short talk – like 40-45 minutes – and we delve into a few topics that I think many of you would be interested in: like my current deadlift programming, the importance of hip stability, how to coach the hip hinge, some new things we’re doing at Cressey Performance with our clients, and there may or may not be some geek talk on The Hobbit.

HINT:  there totally is.

Anyways, if you have some time to spare, and you’re boss isn’t around, you can check out the episode HERE.