It seems everyone who has a blog or website is taking this week to run their annual “Year in Review” extravaganza, and I figured I’d take the opportunity to hop on that train as well.

2013 was a banner year for  It seems I was a writing ninja penning 190+ posts alone on this site, which is a lot more than I thought I did.

All I told I think I had roughly 87 references to Star Wars, 56 to Matt Damon, 35 to how much I despise Tracy Anderson, and probably around 18 references to “poop,” because I’m immature like that.

In any case, people seem to stick around day in and day out and I couldn’t be more appreciative.

The following articles were the most popular of 2013 based off of web traffic.

Oh, before we get started I just wanted to let everyone know that Rick Kaselj, as part of celebrating Boxing Day (the Canadian version of, well, I have no idea), is placing the entire Muscle Imbalances Revealed anthology at a 60% discount from now (Dec. 26th) through this Sunday (Dec. 30th).

Giving full disclosure:  I contributed to two of the installments – Muscles Imbalances Revealed Upper Body and Spinal Health and Core Training – so admittedly I’m a little biased.  But for realz: they’re pretty amazing.

With the likes of other really smart people like Mike Robertson, Dean Somerset, Dr, Jeff Cubos, Bill Hartman, to name a few, you really can’t go wrong.

For more information you CAN GO HERE (<—Click Me).

But What Do You Do For Cardio – People are often flummoxed that I don’t really go out of my way to include a lot (if any) “traditional” cardio in my own programs nor that of my athletes. So…..what do I do for cardio?

Squat Technique: How to Set Up Properly – With any lift, everything starts with a good set-up.  If your set-up is piss poor, you can bet that your entire set is going to be piss poor.  In this video blog I break down the squat.

Deadbugs: The What, Why, and How – For a universally un-sexy topic (I mean, come on, really?  Deadbugs?)….this ended up being a very popular post.

Cutting CrossFit and Break – You can argue that there’s no more of a polarizing topic in the fitness industry than CrossFit.  A lot of people go out of their way to talk down about it – and rightfully so in some aspects – but in this post I discuss the positives.

4 (Not So Obvious) Reasons You’re Not Seeing Results in the Gym – Many people waste time in the gym.  Here are some not so obvious reasons why.

My Take On the “Knees Out” Debate – CrossFit again! Here I break down what I feel is the silliest debate out there. Seriously people might as well argue over whether or not potatoes should be considered “Paleo” or not.  Oh wait…….

Man of Steel: What It Takes to Look Like Superman – It happens every time a superhero movie comes out.  An actor gets all yoked up and people want to find out what the secret is.  Working your ass off – that’s the secret.

Who Says You Can’t Get After It at 80 – I always laugh when people use the excuse of “age” being a factor as to why they can’t train or workout.  It’s BS.  Plain and simple.

5 Reasons Your Shoulder is Jacked Up and Not JackedPart One, Part Two If there’s one thing we know at Cressey Performance it’s shoulders.  Well that and deadlifts.  And steak tips.

Should You Use Scale Weight as a Measure of Success Answer….no!

A Discussion:  Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss – There’s a huge discrepancy between the two, and in this post I try to elucidate what he latter should take precedence over the former (most of the time).