I’m really excited to announce that not only will be attending The Fitness Summit in Kansas City this Spring – May 2nd and 3rd to be exact – but I’ll also be one of the people presenting!

I know through reputation that this event is one of the biggest, most highly anticipated, and fun fitness events of the year. And while I’ve always had the desire to attend, I haven’t been able to due to scheduling and prior engagements.

Moreover I won’t lie:  there’s always been a smidgeon of hope that, at one point or another, I’d be invited down to be Lou Schuler’s personal water boy present in the flesh.

It was kind of like my version of Final Club hell.

What the heck is a final club you ask?

Remember that movie The Social Network from a few years ago? You know, the one about Facebook!

Yeah, that one.

Well, a small portion of the plot revolved around the two protagonists – Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin – and their desire to be “accepted” into one of Harvard’s fabled Final Clubs (essentially a fancy schmancy boys club where rich kids fraternize, tell each other how awesome they are, and I assume engage in all sorts of debauchery.  They’re certainly not reading poetry to one another).

Anyways, getting into a Final Club is kind of a big deal just like getting invited to speak at The Fitness Summit is kind of a big deal.

Low and behold: it’s 2014 and I’m going down baby!!! I’m in the club!

And this year has a sick line-up of speakers:  Alan Aragon, Bret Contreras, David Dellanave, Roland and Gayla Denzel, Cassandra Forsythe, Bryan Krahn, Mike T. Nelson, Brad Schoenfeld, Jen Sinkler, and of course the incomparable Lou Schuler.

Not to mention they’ll be a sprinkling of other “names” in the industry in attendance. Guys like Dean Somerset, Roger Lawson, and I think Han Solo will be making a cameo appearance as well.

I know the organizers of the event want to make this as affordable as possible, and they’ve just opened up registration to the public for a price of $249 (and that includes lunch on both days and a t-shirt and a high-five from yours truly).

I assure you spots WILL BE LIMITED and this event will sell out faster than a One Direction concert.

Check out the link below for more details as well to register.  Hope to see you there!

This is the link I was telling you about (<— Yep, this one).


** = and by “hang out with me,” what I really mean is deadlift, eat an infinite amount of dead animal flesh, and maybe play a game of Settlers of Catan or two.