I think I’m in heaven right now.  Unfortunately, no, I wasn’t invited by JJ Abrams to his hidden lair to proofread his screenplay for the next Star Wars movie.  And no, this version of heaven doesn’t include me driving a tank to work, which is still on my bucket list.

Nope, it this sense there’s a lot mess machismo involved.

Due to some foreseen circumstances – namely, Lisa had to borrow my car today –  I had to hop on the “T” early this morning and head in to my old stomping grounds – Davis Square, Somerville  -to hitch a ride into Cressey Performance with Pete.

I decided to come in a little early so that I could hang out at the local Starbucks here.  It’s Starbucks so it’s like every other Starbucks out there filled to the brim with Apple laptops and Norah Jones playing in the background.  But this one is a bit unique in that there’s this huge fireplace right smack dab in the middle of the floor space, which makes for perfect chill-out writing ambience.

So I am here sipping my Chai tea while writing this blog post and catching up on some other things.


Coffee: Healthy or Not? – Patty Rivas

Since I’m sitting in a coffee shop I figured it was as apropos as a time as any to post up a link to a some literature on coffee.

I’m not a huge coffee drinker.  Actually, I hate it….and prefer to get my caffeine fix either through tea or by injecting Spike directly into my left ventricle.

I should at some point switch to coffee because at least in that context, instead of a bunch of chemicals and artificial sweeteners I’d get the benefit of some antioxidants.

Either way, I felt Patty’s post on the topic was a nice succinct summary.

5 Back Squat Hacks – Greg Robins

Fellow CP coach, Greg Robins, hits the nail on the head.  Here are a handful of tips, suggestions, and insights on how to better improve your squat technique and performance.

Speaking of squats:  Jordan Syatt’s Elite Performance Squat Seminar is still on sale through TODAY (Friday, Feb. 21st) at the discounted price of $29.  For what mounts to two tickets to go see Endless Love (I won’t judge) you can learn all the tricks to dominating your squat from someone who’s a world record squatter.

After today, the price jumps up to the regular price of $49.

Big. Scary. Delts – Ben Bruno

I really enjoyed this article by Ben namely because not having “meaty” shoulders is one of my own personal weaknesses.  Well that, and ice-cream.