Greeting from Los Angeles! I landed at LAX a little less than a hour ago, and as you can see I wasted no time firing up my laptop to bang out a quick post today.

 Photo Credit: Natasha Bishop

I have a few hours to kill so I might as well do something. Dean’s (Somerset) flight doesn’t arrive until later this afternoon, and since he’s my ride from the airport to our hotel this weekend I might as well try to be somewhat productive between now and then.

Not that I haven’t been productive already.

On the flight over from Boston I was able get some writing done, finished a few programs, tinkered with my presentations, and took a quick power nap. I never sleep on planes, like ever. So the fact I was able to snake 20 minutes was a bonus.

And while I’m on the topic of my flight: I’m not one to complain, but I was a bit miffed at Virgin America that they didn’t offer any free snacks on a six hour flight.  I mean, what the hell!?!?!

Not even a bag of peanuts. Or a rice cake. Nothing!

And to throw some salt on the wound, I was so hungry when I got off the plane and so focused on finding something to eat, that when I did, I completely forgot I left my phone charging in the arrival terminal.

It wasn’t until I walked through the security check point and into the next terminal that I realized my boo boo.

Thankfully there was a nice TSA employee (I know, right? They do exist) at the checkpoint who was kind enough to walk back to the phone charger station thingamajiggy and snatch it up for me.  I’m hoping that’s my only snafu for the entire trip. Fingers crossed.

So yeah, I’m in LA! Holla!

On my approach in I saw the Hollywood sign, and I’m trying my best not to creep people out with one-liners from my all-time LA based movie, Swingers.

“You’re so money, and you don’t even know it!”

Others on the list: Heat, Collateral, Escape From LA…;o)

Unfortunately I won’t have much of an opportunity for too much sight seeing, but all I really care about is soaking up all the vitamin D I can muster in the next two days. It’s gorgeous here!

Next stop CrossFit 714 (located in Orange) for mine and Dean’s workshop!

And on that note, here’s some stuff to read….

The Truth Is…..Maybe You Just Suck? – Bryan Krahn

Yet again, Bryan holds no punches with calling people out on their shenanigans.

Finding Your Ideal Squat Depth – Bret Contreras

Here Bret provides a video on how you can go about finding YOUR ideal squat depth based if YOUR body type and limitations.

Not all squat depths are created equal!

The Cost of Getting Lean – Ryan Andrews & Brian St. Pierre

In this eye-opening infographic, the team at Precision Nutrition gives insight on what it REALLY takes to get to a certain level of body fat. It’s not all unicorn kisses and rainbows people.