Lisa’s daily dairy of our Australian Adventure continues……

Greetings! Tony and I made it all the way to 5:30am, so our clocks are just about re-set to Aussie time. Since we’re quick to acclimate to local culture, we waited until 7:00am before heading out for brekkie.

As directed by Shannan, we went to The Gallery Café and asked for the “Raw Brekkie” menu. (Shannan’s gym is “Raw Fitness”). As I imagined, a Meathead’s dream menu – Check it out:

Since I’ve been eating non-stop since we got here, I didn’t really feel I had the room (or the need) for four eggs + accompaniments. So I got some home made muesli with fruit and nuts. And of course, a flat white. Did I mention I love flat whites?

Tony on the other hand, ordered a big-assed omelet:

Stavi gave him a pat on the back after finishing, and we were both happy campers. We got our workout clothes for later on and jumped in the car with Shannan to start day 2 of the Because Heavy Things Won’t Lift Themselves Seminar. Here are some pics of the morning, which was part lecture and theory:

And part practice and demonstration:

Just before lunch, Tony and I piloted my being part of the show! As you may know, sport and exercise psychology is part of my educational background, and a major part of my personal passion. Specifically, and as you know if you’ve read my articles on Tony’s website (HERE and HERE), I care very much about motivation and exercise motivation.

Keeping in mind that Tony and I are visitors in a different culture, and speaking to an audience with a broad range of beliefs, orientations, and client populations, my goal was to approach psychological components of working with clients that are universally applicable. Naturally, I started with Ryan and Deci’s Basic Needs Theory, a component of The Self-Determination Theory of Movitation (American Psychologist, 2000).

My hope was to help trainers to consider the impact of their verbal and non-verbal interactions with clients, and how their own personal style, beliefs, and goals intersect with their clients’.

I was lucky to have a ‘first practice’ with an engaged and open audience. I imagine many of the trainers present are highly competent and successful in their practices, so I heard insight and self-knowledge from participants in regards to their relational style. Tony and I wanted to add a psychological component to the seminar, because the psychology of clients and the relational style of the trainer are major components of participation, persistence, and enjoyment of physical activity.

We think today was a good start to addressing this aspect of being a successful trainer!

I learned a tremendous amount about cultural similarities and differences. In addition, I was reminded that although psychotherapy and counseling is a normal, healthy, accessible resource to me, it’s still stigmatized, embarrassing, and indicative of severe psychopathology , or, “being a nut” to many other people in many other places.

When I write for Tony I tend to include some sort of “when in doubt refer to a therapist” recommendation, but today helped me to remember that for some (or many) trainers and their clients, this suggestion could be insulting or feel like rejection or judgment. There may also be less access to professionals, or professionals with adequate expertise and competency to be of service. Although I know the session was not about me, I benefitted a great deal, and was reminded of some things that I’ll cognizant of when I sit back down with clients next week.

After my session we squeezed in a super-quick lunch, and I grabbed a chicken sandwich from a nearby bakery.

After lunch Tony jumped right into the “hands on” portion of the show. Deadbugs, Birddogs, and squats, naturally. The day wrapped up with some discussion of programming, and Tony said thanks and G’day a few minutes past 5pm. Two full days of hard work! Nice job babe.

We were dying to move around and train! We got in a little session with some deadlifts and such. After getting hot and sweaty, Tony took some photos with some of the trainers and they even had him sign the wall of the facility:

After the quickest shower ever, Tony and I walked around a bit before settling on a restaurant called Twenty Nine, just up the street from the hotel. The manager brought the chef out so that Tony could get exactly what he wanted – a big ass salad with some chicken on top. I got to try a new fish! Dory:

Reminded me of flounder.

And here’s the view we had during dinner:

We were fading fast by the end of dinner, so we made the quick trip home, grabbed the last piece of carrot cake from the hotel restaurant, and came back upstairs to pack it up for tomorrow.

We will miss Ballina!

The people are lovely. The environment is relaxed and happy. The food was great, the breeze never ceased to be amazing, and it always smelled like your nose was stuck inside of a Gardina. Man it will be hard to go!

However, tomorrow we’re flying to Sydney, renting a car, and driving (on the left) up to the Hunter Valley!!!! Talk to you then!

Love, Lisa and Tony