I’m getting braces today. I don’t want to talk about it (except, you know, for blabbering on about it on the internet).

But this is pretty much what I feel like is going to happen.

Lisa had hers put on a little less than a year and a half ago, and had them taken off a week before our wedding. I elected to wait until AFTER our wedding (for obvious reasons).

And now it’s game time. In less than an hour. Shit.

Anyways, I’m sure I’ll be in a better mood about them at some point…but as of right now I feel like a pouty 13-year old kid who wants nothing more than to stomp his feet up and down.

No, no, no, no, NO!

Strength First: Ditch the BOSU Ball For the Barbell – Charles Staley

In this article, Coach Staley breaks down why unstable surface training make about as much sense as a poop flavored lolly pop (for NON-INJURED individuals).

I Went Paleo and Now I Hate Everything – The Everywhereist

This was, no shit, the funniest blog I’ve read on Paleo ever.

[Note to Self]: Lisa and I should quit our jobs and start a travel blog like this one. We could totally make it work. And, probably win a Pulitzer.

How To Do Anything (even the hard stuff) – Krista Scott Dixon

Whether it’s anything fitness related or trying not to make fun of a 38-year old grown ass man getting braces in front of his face, the reason most people fail is because they miss certain steps.

Here Krista tells you how not to do that.


Only two weeks left for early bird registration for mine an Dean Somerset’s Complete Shoulder & Hip Training Workshop in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada this August.


For more information, including itinerary, location, price, and reference to my favorite Arnold Schwartzenegger movie, you can go HERE.


We’re doing the same workshop in St. Louis (HERE), and Chicago (HERE).

Hope to see you at one of them. It’s going to be amazeballs.