I wanted to keep all of you reading abreast on some upcoming events I’m involved in you may be interested in.

First up: I wanted to take a few moments to highlight a few things coming up on my speaking itinerary that many of you may be interested in.

1. Elite Training Workshop – Boston

An entire day hanging with the likes of me, Mike Reinold, Artemis Scantalides, and Ryan Ketchum.

It’s going to be an awesome day for fitness professionals to learn from some of the best minds in the biz. CEUs are available. And I may or may not perform an interpretive dance of “I Believe I Can Fly.”

Click HERE for more information.

2. The Complete Shoulder & Hip Workshop

Dean Somerset and I are excited to announce our end of summer into early fall traveling workshop series: The Complete Shoulder & Hip Training Workshop.


The idea is to discuss and breakdown anything and everything as it relates to shoulders and hips, obviously. Including but not limited to anatomy, assessment, corrective exercise, performance training, programming, etc, in addition to analyzing World of Warcraft strategies. Because, why not?

Like I said, we’re excited about it and we feel everyone who attends will be excited too.

CEU’s will be available for all workshops as well.

EDMONTON (in August, so it won’t be cold as balls).

ST. LOUIS (in September, maybe catch a Cards game?)

CHICAGO (in October, Wrigley. Nuff said.)

Now on to this week’s stuff to read.

Training Clients Around Pain: A Guide for Personal Trainers – Will Levy

As Will notes in this article: some personal trainers like to play the “corrective exercise” card despite 1) not having any idea what that actually means and 2) not knowing what they’re doing.

BOSU ball + body blade + stand on one leg = Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

With regards to the term itself – corrective exercise – there’s a phrase I often use to help explain things:

“Correct movement is corrective.”

Or in more sassy talk:

“Doing shit right is corrective.”

Taking things a step further, corrective exercise could also mean simply adjusting or regressing a certain exercise to better fit the needs and ability level of the individual.

Deadlifts hurt your back? Try bracing your abs and squeezing your glutes at the top. Doesn’t hurt anymore? We just straight up corrective exercised the shit out of you.

Anterior Pelvic Tilt Influence on Squat Mechanics – Mike Reinold

I’m always amazed when a coach or trainer writes something or or says something to the effect of “everyone needs to squat this one way, and this way only, no deviations, ever, or else you suck at life.”

It could be reference to bar position, foot position, depth, whatever…everyone should squat this one way dammit!

It’s stupid. And Mike addresses why it’s stupid in this excellent video.

The Last Word on Lats – Tony Bonvechio

For some reason, in recent years, the “lats” have gotten a bad reputation. The fitness industry is prone to over exaggerate things. “Dietary fat will make you fat,” or “Deadlifts will make your spine explode,” or “people didn’t eat grains in Paleolithic times”[footnote]Actually, no one knows 100% what people ate back then. It was a pretty diverse diet depending on the region. Chances are they DID eat grains in some parts of the world. And, guess what they 100% didn’t eat? Paleo Brownies, you ass.[/footnote].

While overactive or short/stiff lats do need to be addressed in certain populations (like overhead athletes), you’re not some walking ball of dysfunction if you happen to turn them on to perform an exercise.

Tony B breaks it down in this excellent article.