I’m heading out to Cressey Sports Performance later on today to participate in the 10-year anniversary BBQ. Hard to believe it’s been 10 years since Eric, Pete, and myself opened up shop in the corner of an indoor batting facility in Hudson, MA and that CSP has grown to what it is today.
Even though I am no longer coaching there I wanted to thank everyone for their support of CSP (and by extension) this blog/website. Maybe when I arrive there today they’ll let me rehash Tony’s Techno Tuesdays for old times sake….;o)
Lets get to this week’s stuff to read…

1. Strong Body-Strong Mind – Boston
I’m really excited to announce the Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop, coming to Boston (finally!) later this summer.
NOTE: Next week the early-bird special ends, so act quickly. Price will jump up to $249. Availability has been capped at 30 seats due to space, and there’s 10 left.
The idea is simple: there’s a corner in the industry that’s underserved….mental skills.
There are a lot of people out there who write about “mindset” and describe themselves as mindset coaches (whatever the heck that means) who, by and large, have zero academic background in that department.
Lisa, SPOILER ALERT: she’s my wife, went to school for that shit.
I went to school to help turn people into badasses.
So, why not combine the two?
Lisa can speak to building competency and discussing how to build the skills to develop rapport with clients. I can speak to getting people bigger, stronger, and faster.
Strong Body-Strong Mind = see you there? Here’s the itinerary1
2) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando
Our Vancouver shindig in April sold out, but Dean and I have recently announced a stop in Orlando, FL later this year, October 21-22nd at Spark Fitness.
UPDATE: We’ve also added Boston into the mix later this year as well. Like, IN Boston. Stayed tuned for details coming soon.
I’ve never been to Orlando. There’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.
You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.
Stuff to Read
A Case for Deadlifting With Chains – Trish DaCosta
Adding chains into your training programs can look intimidating – especially the how? and why? parts of the equation. What’s more, chains are only for advanced lifters, right?
Trish sheds some light and answers all those questions.
I like Trish.
The Simple Pull-Up Progression You Haven’t Tried – Travis Pollen
I read this and immediately wanted to slap myself in the face for not thinking of this myself. Awesome post from Travis here.
Fitness & Failure: Is It Really All Or Nothing? – Ryan Wood
Skipping a workout, hitting up Cold Stone Creamery while on a diet, not crying during an episode of This Is Us….all can be considered failures by some.
The mental gymnastics that goes on in some people’s minds and the all-or-nothing vibe that many gravitate towards when it comes to fitness, that they’re a failure if they don’t do “x” or they’re not as cool, sexy, or worthy because so and so can do “y,” is very common and can stall anyone’s progress.
Lets relax shall we?
Excellent pep-talk from Ryan in this one.
Social Media Shenanigans
Client: “My last workout was too easy.”
Me: “Heavier dumbbells are located over there. Make it harder.”
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) July 10, 2017
8:30am: Registration & Coffee
9:00am: Lisa & Tony Welcome and Review of the Day
9:20am: Lisa – Motivation, Coach and Client Characteristics
10:00am: Mid-Morning Break
10:15am: Lisa – Psych Skills for Trainers and Coaches, Transtheoretical Model of Change, Motivational Interviewing, Client-Centered Coaching
12:30pm: Lunch
1:30pm: Tony – Hands-on & Lecture Upper Extremity Assessment, Correctives, Shoulder Friendly Strength Training
3:00pm: Lower Extremity Assessment, Correctives, Hip Hinge, Squat, Program Design
- I’ll receive notification of payment received, and will send out a mass email a week or two before event to give FINAL details: start time, Fight Club plans afterwards, you know, the important stuff.