I’m excited to announce I’ll be in the DC area Saturday, April 21, 2018 to teach my Coaching Competency Workshop.

I can’t tango, I have zero nunchuck skills, and I haven’t the faintest idea how to make a flambeau dessert.
However, I do know how to coach people in the weight room. And I know how to coach coaches on how to be better coaches.
See…here’s a picture of me coaching:
Coaching Competency Workshop
This will be an immersive and interactive day where I peel back the onion as it relates to my approach to the following topics:
- Assessment – upper and lower extemity
- Program Design
- Exercise Technique
- Making Killer LOLCat Memes
When: Saturday, April 21, 2018
Where: Beyond Strength Performance (Chris Merritt & Todd Bumgardner’s joint) located in Sterling, VA.
Time: 11:30 am – 6:30 pm
Cost: $99 (Early Bird), $129 (After 3/25).
- 0.7 CEUs will be offered via the NSCA
11 am: Registration
11:30 am: Welcome and Review of the Day
11:45 am: Roles of a Coach, Characteristics of “Good” and “Bad” Coach, Personal Coaching Philosophy
1:00 pm: Upper Extremity Assessment – Shoulder. Discuss anatomy, common screens used to ascertain shoulder health/performance.
2:00 pm: Hands-on Upper Extremity Correctives – shoulder friendly strength training.
3:30 pm: Lower Extremity Assessment – Hips. Discuss anatomy, common screens used to ascertain hip health/performance, hands-on correctives.
5:00 pm: Hip Hinge, Squat, Program Design.
6:30 pm: Wrap-up, CEUs, Go get a burger.