No funny business or LOLs today.
Lets get right to business.

1. Strong Body-Strong Mind – Boston, MA
Dr. Lisa Lewis and I have designed a 1-day workshop for health/fitness professionals that touches on a topic rarely discussed: the SOFT SKILLS of coaching.
- How to improve exercise consistency.
- How to increase motivation and competency to train.
- How to assess clients/athletes and write more effective programs that better match their ability level.
- How to create loyal clients (and a growing bank account).
We’ll be holding another Strong Body-Strong Mind Workshop in Boston, MA on August 12th.
1. We offer both a Professional ($129) and Student rate ($99).
2. This Early Bird Rate ends on Sunday 7/22
3. CEUs will be made available.
For more details (including itinerary and registration) go HERE.
2. Even More Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Dates/Locations Announced
Dean Somerset and I are currently in the throes of drumming up new content for our staple workshop series.
We’ve presented this workshop all over the world – London, Vancouver, Oslo, Prague, Boston, LA, Minas Tirith – and even turned it into a popular digital product HERE so everyone can enjoy it.
We’ve already nailed down dates in Slovenia, Houston, and LA this fall (2018) and are also in talks to bring it to Detroit, Philadelphia, Edmonton, Australia, and Singapore in 2019.
If you’re someone who’d like to host this event/participate in a tickle fight please reach out to either Dean or myself.
Go HERE to register in the announced cities.
So You’re Considering Putting Your Name On Your Business? – Pete Dupuis
Unless your last name is “Brickshitdieselmotherfucker,” don’t use it to name your gym. Although, in fairness, Pete offers both the pros and cons of using your name.
Be cautious.
And if you’re last IS Brickshitdieselmotherfucker….can we be friends?
The Dark Knight Turns 10 – Entertainment Weekly
This has nothing to do with fitness, but I wanted to share this nonetheless.
Around this time 10 years ago The Dark Knight was released.
This was an excellent “back and forth” between film critics Chris Nashawaty and Darren Franich I thoroughly enjoyed.
You Can Be Tom Hanks – Dan Trink
Remember that scene in Castaway when Tom Hanks’ character is making his getaway from the island and his beloved Wilson inexplicably floats away and towards the end of the scene we’re left with that cacophony of “Wilson! Wilson! I’m so sorry. Wiiiiiiiiillllssssooonnn!!”
Yeah, I cried so freakin hard too.
Anyway, my boy Dan makes a brilliant analogy between that scene and how he explains what training WILL and WON’T do with his new(ish) clients.
Great read.
Social Media Shenanigans
One of the hardest struggles as a coach is juggling what I KNOW a client needs and what they’ll actually do to stay on task and consistent with their training. You’re the boss/expert, but there’s always a smidgeon of compromise in the coach/client relationship. Important.
— Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore1) July 19, 2018