This is the last post of 2018.

2018 was splendid year, and I thank everyone for their continued support.

2019 is looking to be a busy year from a professional standpoint with several projects in the works in addition to my travel schedule.[footnote]Not to mention also defending my Kumite title[/footnote] One of my main goals in 2019, however, is to get back on my writing (and reading) horse. I know the last two years have been a bit dearth (comparatively speaking) with the total number of posts and articles I’ve published. Who knew having a kid was so time consuming?

Nevertheless, my hope is that the upcoming year will be a fruitful one in terms of my writing prowess.

Stay tuned…..

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Best Articles of 2018: Exercises You Should Be Doing

Anchored KB Row

Transverse Landmine Snatch

Bench Assisted ValSlide RDL w/ Reach

Band Resisted KB Deadlift

T-Spine Rotation w/ Lift Off