After over a year of development, fine tuning, and presenting multiple times to get the fine points just right, Dean Somerset and I have finally released “(Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint” – a brand spankin new product with new content – and it’s on sale now.

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In 2016 Dean Somerset and I released the first Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.
It received rave reviews.
Parades were held in our honor, babies were named after us, Pulitzer’s were given.1
In all seriousness, we were (are) very proud of the original product, and it didn’t take long for Dean and I to be like…
…”huh, I think we have a lot more to say on this topic…let’s do it again!”
To that end, I’m elated to announce that the sequel, The (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint is now available to purchase.
Save $50 off the regular price of Version 2.0 and $80 off the COMBO pack (Versions 1.0 & 2.0) HERE.
It’s not lost on me that most sequels fall somewhere between “sucks donkey balls” and “a complete dumpster fire.”
I mean, do I have to go any further than Major League 2 or Speed 2: Cruise Control?Assuredly, the (Even More) CSHB falls more along the lines of Return of the King or, fuck it, I’ll go there…The Godfather II.
I.e., it’s the polar opposite of a dumpster fire.2
Dean and I go deeper into our assessment protocols, offer more insight into programming considerations, and also provide more in-depth coaching on squats, deadlifts, thoracic mobility, and much more.
In all there’s 11+ hours of content – both lecture/theory as well as plenty of hand-on practicals – and the miraculous thing is that I don’t swear even once over the course of the two days we spent filming. Anyone who’s ever seen me present in person know that this is a feat in of itself.
Okay, maybe I say “shit”…once.
But that’s peanuts compared to what normally emerges from my sailor mouth.
In addition to being able to safely watch this at work or with a bunch of five-year olds in the room, you’ll also have the opportunity to earn continuing education credits, and I even think my cat makes a cameo.
It basically sells itself at this point…;o)
Still, we’re no idiots. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint is on sale through this week only at a very generous discount.
Thanks for your consideration and I hope you enjoy it!