After over a year of development, fine tuning, and presenting multiple times to get the fine points just right, Dean Somerset and I have finally released “(Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint” – a brand spankin new product with new content – and it’s on sale now.

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In 2016 Dean Somerset and I released the first Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint.

It received rave reviews.

Parades were held in our honor, babies were named after us, Pulitzer’s were given.[footnote]All of that is true except for everything.[/footnote]

In all seriousness, we were (are) very proud of the original product, and it didn’t take long for Dean and I to be like…

…”huh, I think we have a lot more to say on this topic…let’s do it again!”

To that end, I’m elated to announce that the sequel, The (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint is now available to purchase.


Save $50 off the regular price of Version 2.0 and $80 off the COMBO pack (Versions 1.0 & 2.0) HERE.

It’s not lost on me that most sequels fall somewhere between “sucks donkey balls” and “a complete dumpster fire.”

I mean, do I have to go any further than Major League 2 or Speed 2: Cruise Control?Assuredly, the (Even More) CSHB falls more along the lines of Return of the King or, fuck it, I’ll go there…The Godfather II.

I.e., it’s the polar opposite of a dumpster fire.[footnote]What that actually is, I have no idea. A basket full of cuddly puppies? A cheese plate?[/footnote]

Dean and I go deeper into our assessment protocols, offer more insight into programming considerations, and also provide more in-depth coaching on squats, deadlifts, thoracic mobility, and much more.

In all there’s 11+ hours of content – both lecture/theory as well as plenty of hand-on practicals – and the miraculous thing is that I don’t swear even once over the course of the two days we spent filming. Anyone who’s ever seen me present in person know that this is a feat in of itself.

Okay, maybe I say “shit”…once.

But that’s peanuts compared to what normally emerges from my sailor mouth.

In addition to being able to safely watch this at work or with a bunch of five-year olds in the room, you’ll also have the opportunity to earn continuing education credits, and I even think my cat makes a cameo.

It basically sells itself at this point…;o)

Still, we’re no idiots. (Even More) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint is on sale through this week only at a very generous discount.

Thanks for your consideration and I hope you enjoy it!

—> Click to Save on Both Version 2.0 as Well as the COMBO Pack <—