I’m going to be honest.
I know it’s expected of me to be this beacon of inspiration and to regale everyone with a bunch of “you can do it’isms” designed to motivate the masses into doing something (anything!1) to stay active during this time of malaise and sucktitude, and it’s n0t lost on me that what I am about to admit will come across as a bit uncouth given what I do for a living.
…working out is the last thing on my mind of late.
And I don’t care.

What Tha What, Tony?!?!
“But Tony,” some will say, “You’re a fitness professional. How dare you tell people not to workout, and to not only that…
…have the audacity to insinuate that it’s okay.”
Fuck it.
I’m not fishing for likes or accolades on an Instagram post.
I’ve seen a rash of posts and feigned bravado online that goes something like this:
“If you don’t come out of this quarantine with a new skill or in better shape…you never lacked time, you lacked discipline.”
– Signed, someone with no kids at home (kidding, but not really)
Listen, I am not going to get into the philosophical and psychological vortex surrounding the numerous nuances this statement brings to the forefront. Context matters and I certainly understand it’s not meant to be a blanket statement meant for everyone under every circumstance.
That being said, I know many people out there are pressuring themselves into thinking they have to use this time to pick up a new language, learn to play an instrument, finally beat Mike Tyson in Punch-Out, and too…
…believing that they have to be working out.
It’s not true, and invariably is a story you’re putting into your own head.
Similar to other good friends of mine (Dean Somerset & Heather Husmer) – who are also fitness professionals and have shared the same mindset – it’s not for lack of access to equipment.
My training studio is a mile from my apartment and I can mosey on over there any time I want to blast some Wu-Tang and toss some iron around.
And I have.
It’s just my workouts haven’t been a priority. My mind is elsewhere:
- Writing programs and organizing virtual sessions for clients.
- I’ve got a toddler at home.
- Putting off my gym expansion and signing a new lease.
- I’ve got a toddler at home.
- Figuring out the logistics of how my business will pivot when all of this is said and done.
- I’ve got a toddler at home.
- Figuring out the logistics of applying for the PPP Loan.
- Realizing I’d rather jump into a shark’s mouth than deal with that bucket of shit sauce.
Did I mention I’ve got a toddler at home?2
All of this to say:
“Feel your feelings.”
Speaking for myself, I’ve run the gamut of feelings the past 4-5 weeks: confusion, anxiety, fear, anger, sadness, contempt, acceptance, carbs, you name it.
It’s okay to feel your feelings.
I’d just be reticent to say guilt should be one of them. Go at your own pace. You’ll be ready when you’re ready. One approach I’d highly advocate is something I’m doing myself: The “what do I feel like doing today?” approach.
- 5×5 squats?
- Working up to a heavy triple on deadlifts and then starting Season 3 of Ozark?
- Biceps?
Do whatever it is that will fill your training love tank.
Just don’t pressure yourself into the illusion of productivity thinking you have to be working out (or finally writing that sick space pirate anime screenplay) during this time.
We all deal with stress differently.
The deadlift platform or squat rack aren’t going anywhere.