CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Stuck At Home Not Wearing Any Pants: 6/26/20

Copyright: maglara / 123RF Stock Photo


1. I know I am speaking to the choir when I say this…

…but COVID-19 can just go a head and fuck off already.

Some of you reading may recall that earlier in the year I had announced I was expanding my studio, CORE, to a larger space here in Boston. I had found an amazing location (a mere eight minute walk from my apartment) that was going to allow me to expand my current footprint from 550 sq. feet to 3200.

So much room for activities (and fun loving hip-hop rhymes)

My wife and I had come to an agreement on a lease, but hadn’t gained possession of the space because we were still waiting for the town to meet with us to go through a variance in order to get the space approved for a build-out.

Waiting, waiting, waiting….

And then COVID hits.

Massachusetts shut down much of the economy (rightfully so) in order to curtail further spread of the virus. Gyms, of course, were shut down entirely.

Subsequently, we had to press the pause button on the new space because, well, building a new gym under the umbrella of a global pandemic didn’t seem like the wisest financial choice to make. My wife and I decided we’d wait a few months, see how things panned out, and then try to re-ignite the process later in 2020 or early 2021.

I just got word yesterday that I will no longer be able to pursue the space. The lessor felt it too much of a risk for a gym to move forward over given the state of the affairs.


Bye, bye Techno Tuesdays, Wu-Tang Wednesdays, and Laser Tag Fridays.

Needless to say we’re bummed. I’m sure we’ll be able to find another location in the coming months, but this one hurts.

2. Oh, hey, have you checked out my new CORE @ Home platform yet?

It’s designed so that I can deliver workouts you can perform at home – pants optional – using minimal equipment.

You have two options:

1. Subscribe for FREE and receive one workout per week.

2. Subscribe for $29.00 and receive three workouts per week (in addition to special bonus content).1

My hope is that it helps take the thinking out of things and keeps people more accountable to workout more consistently.

For more information go HERE.





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When your kid heads back to daycare after 3+ months.

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What the Best Personal Trainers Know That You Don’t – Lou Schuler

Keto recipes?

Nope. Well, maybe. But, who cares?

Excellent stuff from Lou here featuring some of the best trainers I know sharing their insights and expertise on how to separate yourself from the masses.

Recommended Reading For Programming the General Population – Chris Kershaw

Chris compiled an amazing array of articles and resource that have helped him develop his training/programming philosophy over the years.

Check it out.

Powerlifting Helped Heal My Relationship With My Body – Chrissy King

Last week I signed up for Chrissy’s Anti-Racism for Wellness Professionals course. It was two hours of my time that was well spent and I HIGHLY encourage you to check it out.

She provides updates dates/times for her course via her IG page HERE.

In light of the course I wanted to dig into more of her content and I came across this fantastic article she wrote last year.

Categoriescoaching personal training Program Design

Working Hard vs. Always Making Exercise Harder

I want to make something crystal clear before I proceed:

Exercise – I.e., lifting weights in particular – should have a degree of sucktitude attached to it.

No one became a brick shit house in the gym or built an impressive physique without pushing their body to the limits on a consistent basis. I’m often flummoxed by people who, when I post a video of myself or one of my clients doing something badass, will sometimes chime in with something to the effect of “oh, you better be careful. Such and such exercise causes too much stress on the body.”

I can’t help but think to myself: “Um, that’s kinda the point of exercise isn’t it?…

…to stress the body and force it to adapt?

It’s a narrow-minded and boneheaded take if you ask me.

That being said, I do feel there’s a distinct difference between working hard and (always) striving to make exercise harder.

The former = good. Great, even.

The latter = meh.

Copyright: nomadsoul1 / 123RF Stock Photo

Working Hard vs. (Always) Making Exercise Harder

The easiest way for me to explain my train of thought here is to use a real-world example.

I have a client I started working with a few months ago. She’s a trainer herself, actually, and is no stranger to being a gym-rat, getting after it, and satiating her inner-meathead.

She reached out to me because she had been training on her own for several years and was sorta “stuck” in her progress. Namely she wanted someone to audit her technique with the barbell lifts (squat, deadlift, bench) in addition to having someone take over the mental gymnastics that’s often a side-effect of writing your own programs.

I can totally relate (even coaches need coaches).

As is the case with every client I work with there’s always a window where the two parties are kinda feeling each other out and getting the lay of the land. On my end I’m trying to ascertain how I need to temper my coaching style to better fit the personality, ability level, and needs of the client.

On their end there’s undoubtedly an adjustment to Techno Tuesdays or, I don’t know, maybe even coaching with no pants Thursdays.[footnote]Just kidding. I wear pants. On Saturdays…;o)[/footnote]

This was no different.

One thing that struck me in our initial sessions together was her proclivity to always want to beat her previous workout. Meaning, if she deadlifted “x” weight the week prior and didn’t surpass that number the following week (or at least attempt to) she’d be disappointed.

Now, in a general sense I LOVE this kind of attitude.

I want people to work hard and to push themselves in the weight-room.

A continual, consistent pattern of progressive overload – gradually doing more and more work over the course of weeks, months, years – is the key to long-term progress & success.

It makes my job infinitely easier when someone “gets” this concept. However, it can also be a double-edged sword.

In the case of my client, I got the impression that she was stuck in the trap of constantly testing her strength rather than building it.

More to the point, she was stuck in the trap of trying to always make exercise harder.

But Tony Didn’t You Just Say You WANT Your Clients to Work Hard?

Yes, I did (and do).

But working hard and always making exercise harder are two different things.

To help ruminate my point further I always recall this idea of “80% Workouts” I picked up from strength coach Paul Carter.

In short:

  • 10% of the time you will feel like Leonidas leading his Spartan soldiers to battle and crush your workouts.
  • 10% of the time you will feel like you spent the night in the Sunken Place and your workouts will crush you.
  • 80% of the time you will just show up, get your reps in, and leave.

THAT’s the key.

Those 80% workouts.

The workouts where nothing spectacular happens.

You just exist and do the work.

80% of the time or 8 out of 10 workouts (<— I’m a master in math).

Another way to think about it: You’re still working hard every session, straining, and training with intentbut it’s just not worthy of Instagram.

To that end:

  • You can still work hard despite having a poor night’s sleep.
  • You can still work hard despite being injured.
  • You can still work hard despite having a bad day at work and resisting the urge to throw a stapler into boss’s face.

The point is: Every session (and exercise) doesn’t have to be a ball-breaker or “battle” or leave you with no sensation in the left side of your face in order for you to make progress.

Life gets in the way often and it’s unhelpful to hold ourselves to the impossible standard of breaking personal records every single training session.

It doesn’t always have to be harder.

This is where using other metrics of effort – like Rate of Perceived Exertion or Reps in Reserve – can be useful. For example, lets say you have a client who had a poor night’s sleep the night prior or maybe lost a fist fight to Rambo.

Whatever, they’re in no shape to train at full throttle.[footnote]NOTE: Some of my best workouts have been after a poor night’s sleep. It CAN happen, and I’ve seen it happen dozens of times with clients. However, that’s the exception and not the rule.[/footnote]

Instead of hitting that scheduled heavy double with their squats, maybe a better approach would be to have them perform 2-3 sets of squats aiming for 2-3 Reps in Reserve (a concept popularized by strength coach Dr. Mike Israetel).

This way they’re still squatting and hitting a few challenging sets, but not risking injury or further piling on more CNS fatigue that will only continue to accumulate and further derail their training.

Alternatively, you can try this approach (which is something I picked up recently from strength coach Conor Harris):

Week 1: 3×5 @ 70% of 1 Rep Max + one set of as many reps as possible (AMRAP).

  • If AMRAP >8 reps, go up 5 lbs next session.
  • If AMRAP 6-8 reps, repeat next session.
  • If AMRAP <5 reps, go down 5 lbs next session.

This is a healthy compromise because it satisfies my preference of each repetition being (somewhat) fast and crisp, but the AMRAP set also helps satiate the more competitive clients.

It’s a win-win in my book.

“Easy” training is good training.

BUILD strength instead of testing it constantly.


CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work Uncategorized

Stuff to Read While You’re Stuck At Home Not Wearing Pants: 6/19/20

Copyright: maglara / 123RF Stock Photo


1. I’ll start with a brief #achillesgate2020 update.

I had my first post op with my surgeon earlier this week and, once the faint Cheetos smell dissipated after removing the bandaging I had on for two straight weeks, the doc said everything looked swell.

I was quite shocked at the lack of blood and gore:

Stitches were taken out, rubbing alcohol never felt so lovely, and I was put into a short cast that I’ll be wearing for the next two weeks.

The goal now is not to be an asshat and do anything stupid to risk stretching the Achilles.

I guess that means I won’t be participating in this year’s Hunger Games.

2. Check out my latest podcast appearance on Coach Gethin Radio:

3. Oh, hey, have you checked out my new CORE @ Home platform yet?

It’s designed so that I can deliver workouts you can perform at home – pants optional – using minimal equipment.

You have two options:

1. Subscribe for FREE and receive one workout per week.

2. Subscribe for $29.00 and receive three workouts per week (in addition to special bonus content).[footnote]Exercise tutorials, in-depth coaching cues, bonus workouts, my sick freestyle fun loving rhymes, you know, cool shit.[/footnote]

My hope is that it helps take the thinking out of things and keeps people more accountable to workout more consistently.

For more information go HERE.





Motivation: Use the Motives That Move You, Right Now – Dr. Lisa Lewis

Motivations manifests from a variety of sources.

My wife’s, Dr. Lisa Lewis, latest article on Pez Cycling News digs deep(er) into what motivates people to do what they do and how you can stay more consistent with your health/wellness goals.

Adding Hybrid Personal Training to Your Business: An Interview With Pat Rigsby –

If you’re a current gym owner (or aspiring to be one) Pat is the shit.

Listen to him.

The World’s Simplest Nutrition Approach – Tony Bonvechio

The K.I.S.S principle applies to pretty much everything.

Especially nutrition.

(and yes, eat the fucking apple).


Appearance on the Revolutionary You! Podcast

Copyright: dr911 / 123RF Stock Photo

I Have Things to Say

My friend and colleague, Jason Leenaarts, was kind enough to invite me back onto his popular podcast recently (this time without my wife) to discuss the future of the fitness industry.

We talk about why studios like CORE should be considered different entities from box gyms and group exercise formats in light of the pandemic. We also discuss how all of my businesses: speaking engagements, travel, and online programs have been affected and how I plan to move forward.

There’s also a few insights into my recent Achilles injury and how I’m mapping my way around that.

Give it a listen here:

Or, if you’re an Apple snob you can download the episode on iTunes HERE.

CategoriesCorrective Exercise Exercise Technique

Form Fix: Forearm Wall Slides

If you have a shoulder (or two) chances are there’s been a time in your life where things haven’t felt great. This sentiment is only amplified if you happen to be someone who lives an active lifestyle playing sports and/or enjoys lifting heavy things.

There are a myriad of culprits that can lead to shoulder pain.[footnote]Poor or limited thoracic mobility, glenohumeral weakness, acromion type, programming imbalances, technique flaws, Thursdays, lots of stuff.[/footnote]

Likewise, there are a myriad of solutions.[footnote]Improving thoracic mobility, improved breathing patterns, general strengthening, you’re related to Gandalf, etc.[/footnote]

For me, almost always, I find the “fix” for most people is improving their scapular kinematics; specifically scapular upward rotation and protraction.

Copyright: alona1919 / 123RF Stock Photo

Form Fix: Forearm Wall Slide

One of the staple drills I like to use to accomplish the above (scapular upward rotation & protraction) is the Forearm Wall Slide.

Admittedly, it’s a simple looking thingamabobber of a drill.

I mean, all you do is move your arms up and down on a foam roller, right?


Alas, simple in appearance, not so simple in execution.


TOP VIDEO showcases two common faults I see when most people perform this drill.

❌ Reps 1-3 = depressed or “pinned down” scapula. Incessantly cueing your clients/athletes to retract & depress the shoulder blades has ramifications.

Sure, it’s an excellent cue to lift a metric shit ton of weight. There’s a reason why we tell people to bring their shoulder blades together and down during a bench press.

However, the scapula is meant to move around the ribcage and it’s imperative for overall shoulder health. When someone is pelted over the head with “together & down, together & down” cues the end result is a shoulder blade that’s cemented in a downwardly rotated position.

This can (not always) lead to shoulder ouchies.

❌ Reps 4-6 = shrugging pattern. The upper traps do play a significant role in shrugging (elevation). Shrugging, however, is NOT upward rotation.

In both scenarios there’s no “real” upward rotation happening.

The drill is ineffective.

Bye, Felicia.

BOTTOM VIDEO showcases what we actually want to see happen.

  • I like to cue people to “reach” towards the ceiling through their pinky finger, and then to sorta lean into the wall as the arm straightens overhead.
  • Here we get the upper trap to kick in more effectively and we can now see a shoulder blade that’s upwardly rotating (and moving around the rib cage via protraction & Serratus activation).
  • Performing with shirt off =  37% more Serratus Anterior activation. #science.

It’s crucial when choosing certain drills – even the seemingly simple looking ones – that they’re executed the right way. The details and nuances matter.


CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Stuck at Home Not Wearing Pants: 6/12/20

Copyright: maglara / 123RF Stock Photo


1. I’ll start with a brief #achillesgate2020 update.

It’s been a little over a week and a half since my surgery and things seem to be progressing nicely. I mean, I’m not really doing anything:

NOTE: don’t show my surgeon THIS.

But for all intents and purposes I’m doing my best to keep weight off my affected side and to not be too (too) stupid. I have zero pain, which is excellent, and the only thing that’s making me go mad is the splint & bandage around my leg. I want nothing more than to rip them off, but I am under strict orders not to touch them until I see my surgeon this coming Tuesday.

I’m hopeful he’ll take a peek and recommend I can start physical therapy as soon as possible. If not, I may have to do all I can to restrain myself from tossing my face into a brick wall.

Updates to follow!

2. Oh, hey, have you checked out my new CORE @ Home platform yet?[footnote]No? Fine, whatever. I didn’t want you to check it out anyway. No biggie. See if I care.


(slams door)[/footnote]

It’s designed so that I can deliver workouts you can perform at home – pants optional – using minimal equipment.

You have two options:

1. Subscribe for FREE and receive one workout per week.

2. Subscribe for $29.00 and receive three workouts per week (in addition to special content).[footnote]In-depth coaching tutorials, exercise deep dives, and shadow puppet shows. You know, the important stuff.[/footnote]

My hope is that it helps take the thinking out of things and keeps people more accountable to workout more consistently.

For more information go HERE.





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I’m really, really, really, REALLY trying to respect this initial two week window of healing post surgery. . I was told, and I’m paraphrasing here… . …”stay the fuck off your foot, Tony. ZERO weight bearing for two weeks.” . Well, I’m technically following orders…😉. . I gave myself three full days of couch planks (via @benbrunotraining ) AND waiting till I was a full 24 hours off pain medication before moseying over to the mat to move around a little bit. . 1️⃣ A simple hip mobility drill that covers all the bases: IR, ER, flexion, making a small part of my soul cry, everything. . 2️⃣ 3-Way Band Around Knees Hip Abductions. Bands via @acumobility . 3️⃣ Hamstring Curls off Foam Roller. . 4️⃣ Supported 1-Leg RDL (taking balance out of the equation). . 5️⃣ Same as 4, but modified for affected leg (BOOM SHAKA LAKA: still not weight bearing…😉). . Sick beats courtesy of @takeitpersonalradio . No diggidy, no doubt.

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Inequality is a Public Health Issue: 10 Examples – Kamal Patel

Competition Is Toxic For Me – Jay Ashman

I appreciated this piece from Jay.

I’m actually quite the opposite from him. I have never been the super aggressive type or overly competitive with myself in the gym. The most aggressive thing I’ll do is put on Rage Against the Machine when I deadlift.

That said, I know a lot of guys who are similar to Jay, who place a lot of pressure on themselves to adopt the “training is life or death” mentality.


Coaching Female Athletes Plyometrics: Stop Making Them Sore – Erica Suter

Slow clap goes to this article.

Excellent stuff.