I was recently invited onto the More Than Fitness Podcast hosted by Matt McLeod. As you can likely surmise from the title of the show…

…we chatted about more than fitness.[footnote]For the record: my DREAM episode would center around stuff like favorite Melrose Place episodes, which is tastier: keto recipes or sheetrock?, discussing why Carrie was to dumb to break up with Aiden on Sex In the City, important stuff.[/footnote]

Copyright: dr911 / 123RF Stock Photo

Staying Calm Through Uncertainty, Becoming a Successful Coach, & Daily Routines

I really enjoyed the conversation Matt and I had centered around COVID and how I’ve handled the pandemic with regards to my business, how I’ve handled throwing an Achilles rupture on top of that, how I got started in the industry, and I’m sure some Star Wars shenanigans are tossed in there as well.

I enjoy more of a freestyle interview approach and that’s exactly what you get in this episode.

You have a few options where you can listen in:

Direct link HERE.

iTunes HERE.

Spotify HERE.

Google HERE.

Don’t Really Know Where This Link Is Taking You HERE.