Monthly Archives: September 2020

60 Second Deadlift Tip: What’s the Best Grip To Use?

Which Is the Best Grip To Use? This is a tricky question and one I’m asked often when discussing how I coach up the deadlift. We have to be cognizant of balancing what will likely help prevent injury (namely a bicep tendon tear), but also allow for optimal performance and turn you into a deadlifting… Read more

Your Friends Are Primed To Be Unsupportive of Your Health Goals. Here’s Why

Today’s guest post from fitness/health coach, Alex McBrairty, will no doubt resonate with many people who read this site. If you’re even remotely health/fitness conscious chances are, at some point in time, you’ve been the recipient of some shade (or even backlash) from friends and family members during your journey toward a healthier lifestyle. They’ll… Read more

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 9/4/20

THE WEEKLY BRIEF UPDATE 1. You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever it is you want to pay. During quarantine I started a platform where I’d deliver 20-40 minute workouts that could be performed in everyone’s living room using minimal equipment. In all I curated 36 workouts using nothing but bodyweight, bands, and kettlebells… Read more

60 Second Deadlift Tip: Get the Slack Out of the Bar

“Get the slack out of the bar.” You hear this cue a lot with regards to deadlift technique and performance. I could say something as equally abstract like, I don’t know, “banana honkeydorey train whistles” or “please pass the parmesan, Chad” and seemingly get the same message across. Which is to say… …what the heck… Read more

Deceleration Training and Landing For the Everyday Athlete

You don’t have to be LeBron James or Megan Rapinoe in order to train more like an athlete. You just need to be realistic (and smart) about it. What’s more, being athletic isn’t only about accelerating. You also have to be able to apply the brakes – quickly – too! (and beat Rambo in arm… Read more