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1. You can now purchase CORE @ Home for whatever it is you want to pay.

During quarantine I started a platform where I’d deliver 20-40 minute workouts that could be performed in everyone’s living room using minimal equipment.

In all I curated 36 workouts using nothing but bodyweight, bands, and kettlebells and/or dumbbells. With many people still reticent to head back to their regular gyms (not to mention the scarcity of gym equipment out there to purchase) I figured this would be a nice opportunity to help.

Whether you want to spend $1 or $100, the workouts are ready and available to start.

For more information go HERE.





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To steal an entire philosophical concept from @chweingroff (he won’t mind)…* . …Training=Rehab, Rehab=Training. . For those following along: This past Tuesday marked the 3-month “anniversary” of my Achilles repair surgery. . Anniversary is kind of a weird word to use here. It’s generally not used to commemorate shitty and altogether nefarious things. . I mean you’d have to be a real a-hole to celebrate Bambi’s mom dying, or, I don’t know, country music…😉 . While the injury itself sucked donkey balls, and the subsequent surgery and shenanigans thereafter were no walk in the park either… . …I will say the past three months, weirdly, has been an assortment of appreciation and perspective. . I’ve learned quite a bit about myself during this process. And while I’m no where near the finish line, it’s been a treat to serve as a source of motivation for others going through the same ordeal. . To that end, my training of late is beginning to see a cross pollination of “rehab” with regular ol’ training. . 1️⃣ Tightrope Walks (or what I like to call Slow Motion Moonwalks). . 2️⃣ Assisted Split Squat (focusing on keeping weight in my forefoot on affected side). . 3️⃣ Deadlifts! Considering I wasn’t walking twelve weeks ago this is pretty cool. . My 3.5 year old can crush me in a race right now, but at least I can deadlift. . Onward! . . #findyourtrainablemenu #achillesgate2020. . * I think.

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Ageless Athlete 3.0 – Jim “Smitty” Smith (Diesel Strength)

Full Disclosure: This is NOT an affiliate link.

I just dig anything and everything Smitty puts out there and he’s always striving to make the industry better. This is one of the most comprehensive programs that will help you make progress in the gym while keeping your joints from hating you.

Ageless Athlete 3.0 is on SALE through this weekend.

Check it out HERE.

Checkpoint: 15 Things 15 Years of Working Out Has Taught Me – Lee Boyce

That you can never perform too many bicep curls?

No, no, wait…you can gain mucho mass on a vegan diet?


Lee shares some sage advice as always.

The Hardest Topic to Write About: Program Design – Me

I’ve got something like 2000+ blog posts archived on my site.

I need to learn to repurpose them more often.

Here’s an oldie, but goodie you may enjoy…;o)