It’s that time of year where I spend the next few days highlighting the best content of the past 365 days on this website.
SPOILER ALERT: This year suuuuuuuuuuucked (in case the picture of the dumpster fire didn’t give it away).
Everyone’s life was affected in one way or another because of the pandemic. Speaking personally, my business was shut down for three months (and is still running at limited capacity as I type these words), I had to renege on plans for a larger gym space in 2020, I was forced to cancel 10+ speaking engagements around the US and Europe, I ruptured my Achilles, and, to add a cherry on top of the shit sundae, I got so bored that my wife finally convinced me to start watching The Crown (THE CROWN!).1
(Not that the pandemic itself had anything to do with the latter two).
As a result, I was in no mood to write in 2020. Like most everyone, I was in a foul mood from early March onward and it no doubt affected me and my ability to remain productive.
This year saw the least amount of content I’ve ever written my entire career. However, I still managed to finagle some content; more than most I suppose, but still rather dearth comparatively speaking.
I’ll stop with the pity party though. Today I want to highlight those articles which resonated best with YOU, my loyal readers (based off web traffic).
I hope to bounce back in 2021. And, as always, I appreciate everyone’s continued support and attention.

Top Articles of 2020: Readers’ Picks
Now Is Not the Time to Guilt Yourself Into Working Out
Copyright: puhhha / 123RF Stock Photo
In the early days/weeks of quarantine there was a seemingly endless barrage of bourgeoisie’esqe posts and Tweets from a people insinuating that if you didn’t pick up a new hobby or skill during that time – guitar, latin, cheese sculpting – you were lazy.
What a bunch of bullshit baloney.
4 Things to Consider When Working With Postpartum Women
Copyright: sangriana / 123RF Stock Photo
If there’s one area I have gone out of my way to learn more about and to better educate myself on it’s working with postpartum women.
It behooves EVERY fitness professional to dig into this material because it’s inevitable you’re going to come across it.
How to Battle the Winter Eff Its
Copyright: lightfieldstudios / 123RF Stock Photo
I wrote this before COVID.
Just sayin.
But I think everyone who lives in areas where winter inevitably sucks your soul can commiserate with this one.
Exercises You Should Be Doing: This Is One That Will Make Your Shoulders Feel Better
Copyright: christinkls / 123RF Stock Photo
Less band external rotations and more of this exercise.
Trust me.
The Undeniable, Stone Cold #1 Mistake People Make When Performing Pushups
Copyright: fizkes / 123RF Stock Photo
Stop it.