Ask 99 out 100 people what’s their “marker” for success in the weight room and they’re likely to say something related to how much weight is on the bar.
“If the bar’s not bendin, you’re pretendin.”
Or something to that effect.

How to Build Success In Your Training (Other Than Just Adding More Weight)
I can’t disagree with the above logic.
If someone is lifting more weight on a particular lift this week compared to the previous week, and is following that mantra on a consistent basis, you can bet they’re going to make significant progress in the gym.
This approach is an easy, straight-forward, and fool proof way to “build” success into any program.
Right behind the “lift more weight” mentality – and serving as yet another fool proof way to champion progress – is the idea of manipulating the total number of sets and reps.
Add in an additional set or two1 and/or perform more repetitions of an exercise at a given weight and you’re doing more work.
In other words: (Cue slow clap here)
Lift heavier loads or lift “x number” of weight for more repetitions and you have yourself some progressive overload.
Wash, rinse, repeat…….F.O.R.E.V.E.R
I think both approaches are spot on, and something I’ve discussed in past articles like HERE and HERE.
However, as much as I want to kiss that train of thought on the mouth without buying it dinner first, it does have its limits.
A recent exchange with a client of mine got me thinking: Are those two approaches, truly, the only way(s) to ensure success in a program? Is telling someone “just suck it up and lift more weight” the unequivocal best idea or approach?
I mean, how would you answer the following comment?
“So I totally understand why I shouldn’t add more weight if technique isn’t great, but what am I supposed to do if you’ve decreased the overall load?
If I’m doing less reps or less sets of a similar number of reps from the previous week and I don’t increase the weight, I’ve done less work than the week before. How will I see/get gains?”
I can’t say for sure, and my translation could be a little fuzzy, but if I were to open up my client to strength coach dictionary2 I’m pretty sure she’s insinuating that I’m trying to steal her gainz!
I’m not.
Let me explain.
To me, another way to build success into anyone’s training is something not many people take notice of or even consider in the first place.
And that is……
“Feel” of a Set
To me, technique is paramount.
Especially when working with newbies or even intermediate lifters.
The reason why many tend to hit a speed bump or fail to make continued progress in their training is because their (shitty, or less than exemplary) technique doesn’t allow them to express their full strength.
Too many energy leaks due to form breakdown and, subsequently, poor alignment up and down the kinetic chain, leads to stagnant, sub-par progress.
Most have a hard time making any progress.
With regards to my client I broke it down like this:
“The reason why you crush 105 lbs. on the front squat and technique breaks down when you increase the weight to 115 lbs. is because you haven’t taken enough reps with 105 (or lower).
You need to build your volume with QUALITY reps, and earn the 115.”
Also “feel” of a set/rep matters.
Let’s say in Week #1 I call for five repetitions at “x” weight. I’d rather you stop your set at three repetitions than perform two reps with crappy technique. How are those final two reps going to make you better?
Grinding out some reps here and there is fine – and at times I’d encourage it. But I wouldn’t make a habit of it, because it doesn’t allow you to groove good technique.
Another way to think about progression is like this.
Week #1
Rep #1 = solid.
Rep #2 = pretty solid.
Rep #3 = meh, I got it, but that wasn’t solid.
Rep #4 = oh shit.
Rep #5 = I think I just destroyed the back of my pants.
Week #2
Rep #1 = dead sexy.
Rep #2 = dead sexy.
Rep #3 = solid.
Rep #4 = pretty solid
Rep #5 = okay, that wasn’t fun.
The idea here is to judge the feel of a set, and to take into account that that DOES MATTER.
If in Week #1, with a certain weight, a few repetitions make you hate life (or are not doable with passable technique), your “progression” is going to be to ensure that ALL repetitions are on point before you even think about increasing load.
That’s another way to build success into your training.
Don’t dismiss it.
[Smoke bomb, smoke bomb, exit stage left]