
Training While Injured: How to Safely Continue Weight Training With an Injury

I had the lovely opportunity to be invited onto the Fitness Pain Free Show hosted by my man Dan Pope recently. Dan and I have known each other for several years (the facility he works out of, Champion Physical Therapy & Performance, is located about 20 minutes away from my training studio in Boston) and he and I have conversed over shared clients/athletes during that time.

I’ve long championed that personal trainers and coaches need to be proactive and go out of their way to develop and curate relationships and networks with local physical therapists.

it not only enhances the results for the (injured) client, but it never hurts to have two sets of biceps eyes on the same problem.

Training While Injured: A Thoughtful Convo With One of My Man Crushes

In this episode Dan and I break down how we connected and how we’ve continued to hone our professional relationship in order to get our clients the best outcomes possible.

We also discuss the idea behind the TRAINABLE MENU and how it came to fruition during my own achilles rupture rehab. What’s more, Dan and I also discuss why it’s important for fitness professionals to respect scope of practice and why it’s important to NOT treat injured clients like a patient.

I think you’ll really dig this episode.

You can listen to it on Spotify (HERE) or iTunes (HERE).

Or you can watch the episode below…


Standing Out From the Crowd: Appearance On the Your Fitness Money Coach Podcast

I was recently invited onto the Your Fitness Money Coach Podcast hosted by Billy Hofacker. Some of you may recognize the name because Billy has penned several informative guest posts on this site surrounding financial literacy in the past year.


I was thrilled to post his content here because he has expertise in a topic that many fitness professionals need dire help with. To speak candidly, I wish I had access to this kind of content earlier in my career.

Nevertheless, Billy invited me onto his show to discuss what ended up being a bevy of topics. He ended up titling it “Standing Out From the Crowd,” and I think it was the right call. I mean, I personally would have gone with something like “Tony is the Wind Beneath All of Our Wings,” or “Tony’s Pecs Had me at Hello,” but whatever.

I’m not here to split straws.

Copyright: amasterpics123

Standing Out From the Crowd

Billy is an excellent conversationalist and I enjoyed going back in time to discuss how I went about differentiating myself from the masses creating content and building my own brand from scratch.

I hope you give the episode a listen and be sure to check out more of Billy’s stuff.  I’m not kidding: He’s an abyss of information and practical knowledge around business and finances.

Listen HERE (direct link) or HERE (iTunes)


Appearance on the Becoming Ronin Podcast

It was an absolute pleasure to be invited onto the Becoming Ronin Podcast recently hosted by Jim “Smitty” Smith & Brian Oberther.

SPOILER ALERT:  We did not use the hour to break down or discuss the 1998 Robert DeNiro classic, Ronin, which has one of the best car chase scenes ever filmed.

(sad face).

Samurai sword on shelves store weapons on shop center.

Appearance on the Becoming Ronin Podcast

We did, however, dive into true Ronin territory. This show is not meant to solely cover sets & reps, the differences between concurrent vs. conjugate periodization, how to master a bicep peak, or anything related to lifting heavy things.

It’s no doubt imbued with those “ingredients” and themes, but the Becoming Ronin Podcast goes a bit deeper into other, more robust “takes” and conversations into what it takes to truly live a life of fulfillment and meaning.

It was an honor to be invited onto the show and I think you’ll dig the conversational style of the episode.

Give it a listen HERE (direct link) or HERE (iTunes).