*Cue Mrs. Doubtfire voice*

Well, heeeeeellllllllloooooooo.

*Cue end of Mrs. Doubtfire voice.*  And note to self:  never do that again.  Ever!

Welcome to the new site!  So yeah, after a few months of development, this is what the end result is.  First and foremost I have to give credit where credit is due and just say thank you to Jason Lengstorf and his crew at Copter Labs for doing such an awesome job.  Believe me, I was completely and utterly out of my element with all the CMS conversion talk, WP browser checks, PSD to HTLM jibberish, integrated flux capacitors, and what have you.  Jason was more than professional, and I really can’t thank him enough other than to wholeheartedly recommend his services to anyone reading.

Now, on to the website itself:  a brief tour if you will.  First and foremost, the content and overall tone is going to stay exactly the same.  Which is to say, I’ll continue to mix content demonstrating how smart I am with fart jokes and pics of hot girls being hot.

In addition, and I think this goes without saying, there are still a few things (aesthetically speaking) that need to be fixed.  For example, you see all those boxes to the left of each blog post with the letters TG in them?  Well, from now on those will contain a picture – much like the one from today (it worked!).  Considering I have well over 600 posts on this site, I highly doubt I’ll go through and fill them all in, but you never know.

As well, many of the tabs above (About Tony, Services, Resources, Testimonials, etc) will also be tweaked here and there as the days (weeks) go by.

Blog:  is the blog itself.  Self explanatory

About Tony:  again, self explanatory – but I’ll be updating this section shortly.  Most notably, I need to go into more detail on why I like long walks on the beach and butterfly kisses.

Services:  explains – in brief detail – the services I offer.

Resources: this serves as a great starting point for anyone interested in what I feel are the best websites, books, manuals, dvds, etc in the fitness industry.  I’m constantly updating this section, and I’m currently in the process of adding pictures of each product.  Go me!

Articles:  iinks to every article I’ve written.

Testimony:  hear what other people have to say about me.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  But mostly good.  Okay, it’s all good.

Contact me:  Especially you – Alicia Keys.

You’ll also notice that to the left of each post there are links to social media (Facebook, Twitter, Stumble Upon, Feedburner) – please, please, please, with (dark) chocolate covered (organic) strawberries on top, feel free to share posts that you like with your friends, family, and/or significant others.  While the site has grown a lot in the past year, I’d really love to see it grow even more.  And, it can only do so through the support of all of you who stop by and read it on a daily basis.   So, spread the word!

At the bottom of the homepage, “we” included links to MY social media (me, me and ME).  You can find me on Facebook (hi!), as well as Twitter, and you can also peruse updated pictures I post on Flickr (I need to remember to take more pics at the facility).

Additionally, on the bottom right-hand side, a random video from my Youtube page will pop up where you can view videos of me demonstrating exercises or just view various athletes and clients and CP being badass.  I’m toying with the idea of doing more ‘how-to’ or tutorial videos, so when that happens, this is the section where you’ll be able to view them.

And that, kids, is all she wrote.  So, what do you think?  Feel free to chime in below – I definitely want to hear what you all have to say!