Note from TG:  Recently, my girlfriend and I moved in together, which, jokingly, I’ve been referring to as Operation Co-Habitation.  Predictably, we’ve had to make a few compromises here and there – you know, with stuff like deciding which piece of furniture goes where (guess whose vintage Star Wars poster IS NOT the centerpiece of the livingroom?), who’s responsible for taking the garbage out (me), what night of the week I subsequently have that thing I have to do for that thing, oh gosh babe I completely forgot, I’m so sorry, I REALLY wish I could stay (Wednesdays, when So You Think You Can Dance? is on), and how many mulligans I get for leaving the toilet seat up (running dangerously close to hitting my limit).

In addition, we’ve seen the “meshing” of our personal belongings.  For instance, I’m looking at the bookshelf in my office right now, and right next to my copy of The Science and Practice of Strength Training is a book about How to Interpret Dreams (Lisa’s getting her PhD in Psychology).

Moreover, my movie collection (arguably the best in existence) has been “tainted” with the likes of Pretty Woman, The Notebook, and several other equally as likely to render me infertile atrocities.

… Which brings us to the title of my latest article on   Recently, I made my girlfriend watch GoodFellas.  In return, I had to watch one of her favorite movies –  a Shakespearean play, made into a movie,  entitled ‘Much Ado About Nothing’.

I don’t remember much about it, honestly.  I blacked out.  But what I do remember was that I HAD to do something to increase my plummeting t-levels, so I figured what better way than to steal a movie title and write an article detailing some miscellaneous thoughts on the most manly exercise of them all…..deadlifts?

Much Ado About Deadlifting (<=== That’s the article)