Making Stuff Up. A Personal Trainer’s Best Friend. BOSU Ball Jealous.

Q: I was doing my stuff at the gym the other morning, and a woman who is a trainer there, saw me doing reverse lunges. She came over to me and said that when I do my lunge, not to let my knee touch the ground, that it should be just above the ground. “This… Read more

Me=The Roy Hobbs of Adult Baseball

As some of you may know, I decided to pull a “Roy Hobbs,” this summer and basically make a pseudo comeback to play in the Metro-West Adult Baseball (over-30) League, for the Framingham Orioles. This was the first summer since 2003 that I played in any organized baseball league, and to be honest, it was… Read more

“No Woman Should Lift More Than 3 Lbs.” In Other News: Boston Based Strength Coach/Trainer Just Went Postal.

I try not to make it my business to call out other professionals in the industry, but sometimes I come across something so “vomit-in-my-mouthish,” that I can’t help myself from laying down a little um, smackdown. Does that even make sense? Who cares, I’m pissed. ARRRRRRGGG! There’s a certain celebrity trainer (Spoiler Alert: Tracy Anderson)… Read more

From One Trainer to Another: My Monday Morning Blog Novel

Surprisingly, I often get e-mails from people asking me for advice. Weird, I know. Last week I received an e-mail that I thought I would share with all of you because I feel it could be of some benefit to many of you who read this blog. Particularly to those of you who happen to… Read more

Miscellaneous Miscellany (Crappy Trainers, Fat Loss Bug, A Little Sappiness…..It’s My Blog, So Deal With It)

1. Want to know why I get so frustrated with most (not all) trainers out there? Just the other day, we had a kid come in for an evaluation who mentioned to me that he has been working with another trainer for the past six months. You would think that after six months, he’d be… Read more

Vitamin D=The He-Man of Supplementation (Kids Still Watch He-Man, Right?)

I know, I know, I must sound like a broken record with the vitamin D talk yet again. But I thought I would pass this along to all of you because I thought it was interesting. From Reuters Health: Giving school children very high doses of vitamin D is safe, and may be necessary to… Read more

Q and A (Flaxseeds/Fish Oil and 2:1 Odds That “Barry” Comments On This Post)

Q: What’s your opinion of flaxseed oil and all of its supposed side effects? Also, would you recommend taking it in addition to or in place of fish oil? Thanks for any help… I love your stuff please keep it up. A: First a little bit of the geeky stuff. There are two fatty acids… Read more

High Heels for Babies. (Crickets Chirping) I’m Speechless. Well, Not Really.

I’ve been on a roll lately with the rants, so I figured why not keep a good thing going and share with you a story that will undoubtedly make your eyes hate you. Heelarious: High Heeled Shoes for Babies Essentially these two women (Jenelle Kulaas and Britta Bacon) thought it would be “funny” (get it?… Read more