Posts in "coaching"

Building Strong Women Starts With You, Coach

Today’s EPIC guest post comes courtesy of regular (and fav), Erica Suter. Working with young female athletes isn’t solely about Q-angles and the x’s and o’s of a proper depth jump landing. It’s also about recognizing that they’re not delicate snowflakes and that they very much can train just like the boys (and oftentimes… Read more

Coach and Grow Rich: A Simple Plan For Debt Destruction

Most people – but especially fitness professionals – are boneheads (or dare I say: dumbbells) when it comes to financial savviness and literacy. It’s just a topic we’re never taught. Ever. Most fit pros have more knowledge in how to transcribe their latest Reels video into Klingon than understanding the difference between a SEP and… Read more

1-Minute Deadlift Tip: Start Where You End

The “Reverse” Deadlift What’s unique about the deadlift – as opposed to the squat or bench press – is that it begins with a concentric, or overcoming, movement. For a variety of reasons like leverages, mobility restrictions, it’s Tuesday, etc., starting from the floor can be problematic for some people. One simple way to build… Read more

1-Minute Deadlift Tip: External Cues For the Win

External (Not Internal) Cues For the Win You’ve heard these before: Chest up. Extend your T-spine. Create torque in your hips. Those are cues which work well for some, but can sound like Elvish to many trainees, particularly when they’re new to deadlifting. Instead, get more acquainted with external cues which, contrast to their internal… Read more

What’s All This Positional Breathing Stuff About?: The Implementation of Training Principles

You can’t go more than a few clicks on the internet before you inevitably come across some coach or trainer discussing the merits of positional breathing and how it can help improve performance in the weight room (and on the field). (πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘† I guess this depends on what part of the internet you peruse…BOM, CHICKA,… Read more

The Easiest Way to Scale Your Fitness Business…Especially Now

2020 has not been a favorable year for the masses. In particular for fitness industry which has been decimated due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Many brick and mortar gyms (as well as commercial gyms) were forced to shut down indefinitely for several months – some, unfortunately, forever – due to the crisis. And as… Read more

60 Second Deadlift Tip: The Wedge

Success with the deadlift will always be tethered to having a masterful setup. If you start in a poor position, you’re probably going to have a poor deadlift. And no friends. It sucks. The Wedge When it comes to the setup, however, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. In this instance we’re all special snowflakes with varying… Read more

Building and Sustaining Resilience

Today’s guest post comes courtesy of Dr. Lisa Lewis (AKA my wife). Earlier this year she released her Psych Skills for Fitness Professionals course which was designed to help fill a gap where many fitness professionals lack formal education: psychology, motivation, and the “softer skills” needed to coach effectively and help clients attain their goals…. Read more