CategoriesStrength Training

Q and A: Hypermobility and the Olympic Lifts

Q: I’ve recently got into Olympic lifting, but my hamstrings are so flexible, I have no tension at the bottom and lose power. Also, my shoulders are unstable when I snatch and my wrists bend too far back when I push press, etc.

I’ve just purchased wrist straps, but I’m not sure what to do about my hamstrings in particular. Any tips or advice? Many thanks in advance for taking the time to read this!

– Paula

A: First off, let me just say that I think it’s awesome that you’ve taken a step outside your comfort zone and decided to take on the OLY lifts. It’s refreshing to see a female get after it and not fall into the Tracy Anderson “no woman should lift a weight over three lbs/excuse me while I vomit a little bit in my mouth” trap.

To that, Paula, I’m dedicating this slow clap to you:

With that out of the way, there’s a few things we need to highlight/discuss.

There’s obviously a lot of efficacy towards the OLY lifts as it relates to strength, power development, performance, and increasing one’s overall level of badassery. As a strength coach, I’d be remiss to state otherwise.

The first point I’d like to cover – for my own edification – is how “technique heavy” the OLY lifts are.  These aren’t just something that you decide to throw into the mix one day and all is butter fly kisses and rainbows. The OLY lifts are hard and often take years to master.

I don’t care how many articles someone reads or how many Youtube videos they watch, NOTHING will trump in-person coaching.

ESPECIALLY in this context.

To that end, I’m just going to assume that you’re under the watchful eye of an established OLY or weightlifting coach.  If not, please do yourself a favor and seek one out.

Secondly, and maybe most important of all, is the heart of your question: Do the OLY lifts and hypermobility mix?

At first glance you would probably think yes. I mean, if you watch many of the top lifters or someone who knows what they’re doing, it would seem that having all that mobility would be a good thing. How else to explain the crazy positions they’re able to get themselves into – with a shit-ton of weight above their head no less!

While there is a fair degree of natural selection going on in terms of having the ability to do those things, you also have to understand that these athletes are demonstrating an insane level of mobility AND stability, as dictated by the joint-by-joint school of thought.

For the amateur or weekend warrior, having excessive hypermobility may (not always) be more of a reason NOT to partake in the OLY lifts.

Of course, how can we even ascertain whether or not someone is hypermobile in the first place?  Are they in any way, shape, or form, affiliated with Cirque de Soleil?  If so, they’re hypermobile.

Kidding aside, one easy screen you can do is the Beighton Laxity Test.

1.  Do the fingers extend past the 90 degree angle to the dorsal aspect of the hand?

2.  Does the thumb contact the forearm with full flexion?

3.  Is there more than 10 degrees of hyperextension in the elbow?

4.  Is there more than 10 degrees of hyperextension in the knee?

5.  Can he or she lay their palms flat on the floor during the toe touch movement?

Generally speaking, if someone scores a 3/5 or higher on the screen, chances are they’re hypermobile.  Or, at the very least, it’s something that needs to be taken into consideration.

With this information on hand, we can make a better judgement call as to whether or not the OLY lifts would be a good fit.  Now, this isn’t to say that if someone tests very high on the Beighton Score that he or she needs to avoid Olympic lifting like a Justin Beiber concert.

I’m not saying that at all.

Rather, all I’m trying to convey is that certain precautions need to be taken into consideration.

1.  Avoid aggressive, uncontrolled ranges of motion during the warm-up.  Especially in the upper body.

2.  I wouldn’t go out of my way to perform a lot of yoga.  If you are: stop.

Well, let me back track that statement.  You can perform yoga, but I’d limit aggressive poses that place a premium on becoming a human pretzel.

3.  With your warm-ups, something to keep in the back of your mind is that closed-chain exercises will provide more stability.

4.  As far as strength training is concerned:  to reiterate, I can’t stress enough how important it is that you seek out a reputable coach, or someone who has experience with the OLY lifts.  Given the excessive ROMs elicited by the sport itself, not to mention how technique intensive it is, it only make sense.

Additionally, since you mentioned how you feel you lose power in the bottom position and that your hamstrings are very flexible, it probably wouldn’t hurt to hammer things like Romanian deadlifts, pull-throughs, glute ham raises, or anything that will help strengthen that area (single leg work included).

5.  It also wouldn’t be a bad idea to include more rhythmic stabilizations into the mix to help teach the joints to, well, stabilize.

6. Static stretching.  Don’t do it.  Seriously.  Stop.

Instead, I’d try to perform more low grade activation drills.  Think:  glute bridges, Forearm wall slides, bowler squats, t-push-ups, dwarf throwing, etc.

And that’s really about it.  Like I said, I think it’s fantastic that you’re pursuing the OLY lifts, but I think given your situation, some precautions need to be made.

In Summary:

1.  Get a coach (if you haven’t already).

2. Don’t go out of your way to perform a lot of static stretching.

3.  Strengthen the posterior chain (especially the hamstrings).  Also, be careful with front and back squats – hypermobility (when not addressed properly) can wreak havoc on the joints when squatting.

4.  Try to include more low grade activation drills and rhythmic stabilizations into your repertoire.

5.  Avoid exposure to Justin Beiber as much as humanly possible. Good luck with that.

If there are any coaches or people with more experience than myself on this particular topic, PLEASE, feel free to chime in.  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

CategoriesStrength Training

Big Without Strong is Nothing

In keeping with the “back to basics” theme from yesterday, here’s my latest article published on which served as more of “rant” piece than anything else.

It’s pretty awesome.  You should check it out.

I’m a strength coach. I spend much of my day making people bigger, faster, and stronger – with a heavy emphasis on the latter.

I love the effect something as simple as getting stronger has on the human body. Performance improves while imbalances fade, and with time a slow, brittle physique is replaced by something stronger, faster, more athletic, and seemingly forged from titanium alloy.

Not to mention, more muscular – which is why a small piece of my soul dies every time I hear something like, “Getting strong isn’t really important to me, I’d rather just look strong.”

I understand the aesthetic bias we have as a society, and that having a six-pack is higher on many trainee’s priority list than how much weight they can deadlift.

But one of the things I take pride in as a coach is my ability to keep things simple, so for all you lifters with iPhones filled with shirtless bathroom pictures, let me state this as simply as I can:

It’s imperative to build a solid base of strength in order to build mass. And if you train for strength – and don’t eat like a moron – the aesthetics you crave will undoubtedly follow.

I doubt you’ve seen many guys who bench 405 or squat 500 that are small. On the other hand, walk into just about any commercial gym and you’ll see loads of 150-pound dudes running the rack on curls and performing drop sets of triceps pushdowns.

What good is a six-pack and veiny 14-inch arms if you can’t deadlift your way out of a wet paper bag and your waif-like body resembles something that would get crushed against the wall by a surging crowd of angst-filled teenaged girls at an Avril Lavigne mall appearance?

If you’re a newbie (or even someone who’s been training for a few years and just not happy with the end results), this article will serve as a reminder to focus on the basics, get strong, and steal a page from Ms. Lavigne and stop making things so complicated!

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CategoriesStrength Training

The Reasons You’re Not Getting Stronger

Today I’d like to share a guest post I wrote for a really cool website… As the name suggests, it’s a site dedicated to helping people become “great” by providing some of the best health and fitness information on the internet.  I was contacted by one of their higher ups a few weeks ago asking if I’d be interested in writing a little sumthin sumthin, and this is what I came up with. 

It was an absolute honor and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

NOTE:  I’d love to show the peeps at that my army of Gentilcorians is a loyal bunch.  Once you visit the site and read the actual article, please, please, please share it with your friends by clicking the “Share” button or re-Tweeting it.  I’ll love you, like forever if you do.

If I had to make a list of things that really annoy me, it would be as follows:

1. “Twilight.”
2. People who don’t turn right on red.
3. People who don’t prioritize getting stronger.

As a strength coach this last one is what really gets me irritated, and for good reason. To be blunt: Strength is kind of a big deal. It’s what allows us to pick up that bag of groceries off the floor without blowing our back out; it’s what keeps us from getting injured on the playing field (whether a professional athlete or weekend warrior); and it’s undoubtedly the foundation behind many of the “qualities” we’re chasing in the weight room (be it speed, agility, power, or just looking good with our clothes off).

Unfortunately for some, despite knowing better, and despite their best efforts, they’re just not getting stronger. No matter what routine they follow or how many days per week they hit the iron, they’re just not getting any results — frustrated they’re still using the same weight now as they were weeks (if not months) prior.

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