
I Was Nominated For Something. You Should Vote For Me.

I don’t normally do this but……

…..Holy s*** I was nominated for something!

It wasn’t for an Oscar.

It wasn’t for a Tony Award, as ironical as that would be.

It wasn’t for a Grammy.1

And it definitely wasn’t for anything like “best looking deadlift” or “best last name for a strength coach” or “most likely to kick Batman’s ass” or “owner of cutest cat on Earth.”

It was, however, something unexpected and something I think is pretty cool.

My website/blog was nominated for the 2015 Fitness Blog Awards (in the category of Bodybuilding and Strength) by the website Muscle & Strength.

The last time I was nominated for anything was back when I was a junior in high school for Prom Court.

I didn’t win.

It’s a long story, I don’t want to get into it.

Those fuckers.

Nevertheless, while I can’t sit here and say what, exactly, I’d “win” for winning – other than bragging rights (?) – as the cliche goes, it’s an honor just to be nominated.

As noted on the site:

“The awards are designed to recognize and promote fitness bloggers who create great fitness content that helps others reach their personal health & fitness goals.”

That’s pretty awesome in my book.

[According to the representative who contacted me from the site, in order to be placed onto the ballot you had to be nominated, and those sites which garnered the most nominations were then placed on the final tally.]

So here we are, and thank you to everyone who nominated my site.

What Now?

1. I kind of feel like one of those contestants on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. I want to win (or at least get into the top four) just to say I made it that far. Except, you know, with less back-stabbing, cattiness, hot tub make-out scenes, and final rose ceremonies.

2. If you have a few spare moments (and you agree with the nomination)2 you can cast your vote HERE. You just need to scroll down a bit and place a checkmark in the appropriate box.

[Cue Jedi mind-trick here]

“You will vote for”

Voting started yesterday and will continue until May 15th.

You can vote everyday.

3. What’s more, the more often you vote, the more likely you are to win one of ten $50 gift card prizes.

And a hug from me.

–> GO VOTE <–