CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff To Read While You’re Pretending To Work: 3/16/18

Oh, hello.

I’m in NYC!

I flew down here yesterday from Boston courtesy of Equinox. I’ll be doing two separate workshops for a bunch of their trainers talking about shoulder assessment and how to turn their clients into a bunch of bench pressing and chin-upping T-1000’s.

I still wanted to make sure I got this week’s list up for your reading pleasure, though.

I got your back.

Copyright: gregorylee / 123RF Stock Photo


1. I’m Everywhere In 2018

I’ve got a bevy of speaking engagements lined up for 2018, and next week begins the madness.

I’ll be in NYC speaking at a few Equinox locations on March 16th and 17th, and from there on out I’ve got a place to be at least one weekend every month for the foreseeable future.

It’s a nice feeling to be in demand.

I’d encourage you to click the link above or THIS one for more details/insights into where I’ll be and when.

Events Just Around the Corner

  • Spurling Spring Seminar – Kennebunk, ME: April 14th
  • Coaching Competency Workshop – Sterling, VA: April 21st
  • The Fitness Summit – Kansas City, MO: May 4-5th (Dean Somerset and I are doing a special 4-hour PRE-CON for this event).

2. Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coaching Certification

Registration for this highly competitive certification opens on April 4th. However, I’ve got some good, nay, fucking amazing news.

I’ve negotiated some awesome perks for you:

  • Early access to enroll on April 3rd (24 hrs before they open to the public), increasing your chances of getting in.

  • A huge discount (up to 33% off the regular price).

This is without question one of the best certifications any fitness professional can possess, offering incredible value and helps to separate you from the masses.

Go HERE for more info.

3. Even More Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Coming Soon

Dean Somerset and I are currently in the throes of drumming up new content for our staple workshop series.

We’ve presented this workshop all over the world – London, Vancouver, Oslo, Prague, Boston, LA – and even turned it into a popular digital product HERE so everyone can enjoy it.

We’ve already nailed down dates in Slovenia, Houston, and LA this fall (2018) and are also in talks to bring it to Detroit, Philadelphia, Australia, and Singapore in 2019.

If you’re someone who’d like to host this event/participate in a tickle fight please reach out to either Dean or myself.


4 Action Steps to Combat Negative Thinking – Dr. Lisa Lewis

Not that I’m biased or anything (my wife wrote this article for Mark Fisher Fitness), but this is the greatest article on the topic of how to punch negative self talk in the dick that’s ever been written.

4 Ways To Improve Your Hip Flexion – Ashleigh Kast

Hip flexion is kinda like the evil red-headed step child of hip mobility. For some reason it always seems to get a bad rap.

As Ashleigh states in this article:

“That’s the action of pulling your knees to your chest with a neutral spine. You need to be able to put your hips in flexion while under load, with structural integrity, at the bottom of your squat or top of your hinge.”

We need hip flexion.

Here’s how you’re going to do it.

Gym Owner Musings #10 – Pete Dupuis

Pete’s stuff is always required reading.

Social Media Shenanigans



CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 4/14/17

Lets get right to the chase shall we?

Copyright: urfingus / 123RF Stock Photo


Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff

1.  The Cutest Pic Ever. EVER!

After a hectic travel schedule the past two weeks it’s been a comedy of errors in trying to catch up on work, emails, programs, articles to write, sleep.

I had every intention of writing more content for the site this week, but life got in in the way. Namely, this little Gremlin:

But how can I be mad at that?

So freakin cute.1

2) Strong Body-Strong Mind – Toronto

Lisa and I are happy to announce we’re bringing back our Strong Body-Strong Mind workshop.

Last year we had the privilege of presenting together in Austin, TX and London, UK, and we’re elated to be heading to Toronto, Ontario to pick up where we left off.

In a nutshell I speak to a little assessment talk, program design, and breaking down technique on a few common lifts such as the squat, deadlift, get-up, and blindfolded chainsaw juggling, and Lisa speaks to more of the mindset side of the equation and how we can help build better rapport and “buy in” with our clients/athletes.

For more information and to sign up, please go HERE.

3) Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint – Orlando

Our Vancouver shindig in April sold out, but Dean and I have recently announced a stop in Orlando, FL later this year, October 21-22nd at Spark Fitness.

I’ve never been to Orlando. There’s no way in hell I’m visiting Disney World.

You can go HERE for more details and to sign up.

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work

How to Build a Stubborn-Ass Muscle – T-Nation

Calves, traps, pecs, tibilias anterior, we all have stubborn areas of our bodies we’d like to make more jacked.

In this compilation article I was fortunate enough to help contribute to, seven amazing coaches chime in on how they were able to bust through a growth or strength plateau.

Flat vs. Round Back Deadlift – Adam Pine

Adam is one of the best deadlifters I have ever seen in person. He knows a thing or two about picking things up off the ground. I enjoyed this article/video; especially the part breaking down advantages/disadvantages of flat vs. round back deadlifts.

The Easiest Nutrition Fix for Fat Loss – Ashleigh Kast

I like to keep things simple.

This is simple.

Social Media Shenanigans



Lisa representing her Cut the S#!t Get Fit tshirt courtesy of @rafmatuszewski. No surprise, she busts it out on bench day.

A post shared by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on

CategoriesStuff to Read While You're Pretending to Work

Stuff to Read While You’re Pretending to Work: 10/21/16

Sorry for the lack of content this week. I take pride in the fact I’m able to toss up 4-5 blog posts per week, but I was only able to swindle two (three counting today). I suck.

But the sucktitude this week was with good reason (which you’ll read about below). Lets get right to business.

Copyright: <a href=''>maglara / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
Copyright: maglara / 123RF Stock Photo


Some Stuff to Check Out Before You Read Stuff

1) Last weekend Dean Somerset and I were in Minneapolis, MN teaching our Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint at The Movement Minneapolis. We had a group of 50 trainers from all across the upper-middle USA attend. Here’s me performing what Martin (one of MM’s coaches) referred to as the “Here comes the tickle monster” technique.1


On such trips Dean and I share a hotel room to help save on costs (and because I’m scared of the dark). We took full advantage of being under the same roof so that we could hash out some details and so that we could announce this….

Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint Will Be Available to Purchase Starting November 1st.

[Cue the Duck Boats now].

Dean and I filmed the event when we were in Norway this past spring and we’re really proud of the end result. We’ve been sending out review copies to some of our fitness industry besties and have gotten some amazing feedback. To say we’re looking forward to unleashing this to the rest of the world would be an understatement. This is something I feel will help a lot of fitness pros who deal with shoulders and hips on a daily basis.

So, basically, everyone….;o)


November 1st. This shit is happening.

2) CORE (my studio in Boston) will be hosting the I Am Not Afraid to Lift (Mindset Edition) workshop featuring Artemis Scantalides and my wife, Dr. Lisa Lewis.

Date: Sunday, November 6, 8AM-5PM.

If you’re interested in learning more about kettlebell and bodyweight training, proper technique, programming, as well as how to develop sound mindset strategies to enhance performance, this workshop will be a great use of your time.

This workshop is appropriate for women who lift of all levels, from women who have never lifted weights before, to beginners to advanced lifters. Men have attended too…;O)

There are only four spots left. For more information you can click HERE (<– click events tab).

MASS – Dr. Pat Davidson


There’s a reason why this training program has developed a cult following from both men and women…because it works!

It’s a simple (albeit brutal) program, is not for the faint of heart, and as Pat has stated himself time and time and time again….

“Everybody sees crazy results.”

You read the manual and the likelihood you’ll want to run through a brick wall increases ten-fold.

It’s only on sale for a few more days (ends this weekend), so take advantage while you can HERE.

Crunches Are Bad For You. And This Is Exactly Why – Ashleigh Kast

Drive 495 coach, Ashleigh Kast, makes a nice case for why crunches probably shouldn’t be your first choice when it comes to building a mid-section that looks like the picture above.

She discusses things like the Joint-by-Joint theory, the Four Knots, and keeps it real with quotes like this:

“A real good front squat with a well braced midsection is an honest 6-minute ab miracle.”

My Back Hurts When I Deadlift – Brandon Hall

This is a very common theme and the common response is to blame deadlifts, when more often than not the appropriate “fix” is a little more attention to detail with regards to set up and/or choosing the appropriate variation based off one’s injury history and current ability level.

Great article featuring some insights from myself and CSP coach Tony Bonvechio.


I see many of my colleagues doing this and figured I’d jump in on the action. You know, cause I’m important.



After watching other coaches like @benbrunotraining, @bretcontreras1, and @showmestrength perform this landline press variation, I decided they couldn’t have all the fun. What does adding the band do? 1. I feel it helps engage anterior core more, which will help prevent any excessive overarching from the lumbar spine. 2. It helps “slow down” the bar at the top of the movement, which can make it a little more joint friendly for those with cranky shoulders. 3. You’re forced to control the eccentric (lowering) portion to a higher degree in an effort to resist the pull of the band. And 4. It’s just badass. I was supposed to perform Scrape the Rack Presses following John Rusin’s Functional Hypertrophy Training program, but my rack wasn’t high enough. Did these as a quick substitute at the end of my “Push Day”, and loved them. Check the program out at and use the code TG10 to save a little money.

A video posted by Tony Gentilcore (@tonygentilcore) on