
Guest Appearance on the Ask Mike Reinold Show

I had the pleasure of being invited onto the Ask Mike Reinold Show recently.

Mike’s someone I respect a ton and have had the pleasure of interacting and working with for several years.

He and his staff over at Champion Physical Therapy and Performance are top-notch and I was super excited to have the opportunity to stop by and talk some shop.[footnote]And do THIS.[/footnote]

And not for nothing: I kinda dig Mike’s intro to this episode. I feel like this should happen every time I walk through a door or something.

Entering a restaurant: “The one and only Tony Gentilcore.”

Walking through the grocery store: “The one and only Tony Gentilcore.”

Coming home from work after a long day at the gym: “The one and only Tony Gentilcore.”[footnote]I chuckle to think of my wife’s response. I envision something to the effect of….(cue hard eye roll) “HAHAhahaha. Pffft, whatever. STFU and take the garbage out Tony Gentilcore.”[/footnote]

Anyways, lets show Mike some love. He puts out an amazing show week in and week out, and it’s one I feel deserves everyone’s attention.