
Best Articles of 2015: My Picks

Yesterday I highlighted the most popular articles of 2015 as dictated by page views and overall traffic. Today I want to highlight MY favorite articles from this past year.

Because it’s all about me, me, me, ME.

I have no idea why the ones listed didn’t resonate the first time through.

It’s probably all my fault anyways. I never pay close attention to SEO or “click bait” blog titles. I mean, if I really wanted to make sure people clicked on every post I’d title them “Why Bicep Curls Increase Your Testosterone Levels 818%.” for the guys or “Henry Cavill Talks About His Feelings” for the ladies.

Nevertheless, the articles below are some of my favorites from this past year. Don’t judge them by their lame titles….;o)

1. 13 Words That May Help Change Your Life

“Scare the shit out of yourself. It’s the only way to do it.”

2. Assessing Our Assessments: Shoulder Flexion

Sometimes we’re not assessing or looking at what we think we’re assessing and looking at. In this article I break down shoulder flexion and some common mistakes fitness pros make.

3. Where Fitness Professionals Go Wrong When Training Women

So long as you don’t use the phrase “long and lean muscle,” I’m less apt to want to drop kick you in the face. But you should still read this article.

4. The Other 3 Most Important Words in Strength and Conditioning

Hint: it’s not “Tracy Anderson sucks.”

5. Defending Spinal Flexion

Even Yoda thinks it’s dumb to avoid spinal flexion at all costs.

6. Female Fitness Marketing: Why Performance Matters

There’s a reason why I try to avoid the “I want to lose 10 lbs” discussion. It’s a sink hole of time wasted and false expectations.

7. The Difference Between External and Internal Impingement of the Shoulder

The term “shoulder impingement” is a garbage term any way you slice it. However, it’s still important to be able to differentiate between external and internal impingement.

If nothing else, it serves as a great conversation stimulator when you need it.